Clean Air routing tool
The Southampton Airmap allows you to plan a cleaner air, greener and more tranquil walking or cycling route within the city which would help to reduce your exposure to air pollution and help to improve your health and wellbeing.
Visit the Southampton Airmap.
The Southampton Airmap has been created to encourage more people to walk and wheel in Southampton and whilst doing this to ensure users are traveling along the cleanest, greenest and most tranquil routes. The Southampton Airmap allows you to discover air pollution levels in any area of the city and allows you to learn more about what this means. You can also:
- Find about pollution in your area
- Search your location and nearby points of interest
- Understand pollution levels, noise, greenery and tranquillity
- Discover healthier places surrounding your home or workplace to encourage restoration
- Discover Clean Air Routes
- Plan your daily commutes to work/school
- Find more enjoyable leisure walks, such as walking meetings, or exercise
- Share with networks, colleagues, family and friends and on social media
- Display the poster of the Soton Airmap on your notice board at work for others to discover
- Share Clean Air Routes you’ve discovered with friends, colleagues and family members
- Share Clean Air Routes and their benefits on social media (LinkedIn, Facebook)
The Southampton Airmap was created by Tranquil City in partnership with Go Jauntly, the University of Southampton and Southampton City Council. The project was funded through the DEFRA air quality grant.