Agenda and minutes

Schools Forum - Wednesday, 24th March, 2021 4.00 pm

Contact: Schools Forum Administration  Email:

No. Item



Welcome and introductions by Chair, John Draper



The Chair welcomed both the representatives and external viewers to the March Schools Forum meeting. 


Apologies and Changes in Membership (if any)

Any apologies noted from the calendar invite response 



Apologies were noted as follows:

Cllr Paffey

Councillor, Cabinet Member Aspiration, School and Lifelong learning

Cllr Mitchell

Councillor, Portswood Ward

Colin Grant

Governor, Cedar School

James Rouse

Headteacher, St Anne’s Catholic School

Martin Brown

Principal of Oasis Academy Sholing

Harry Kutty

Headteacher, Cantell School



Minutes of Previous Meeting pdf icon PDF 958 KB

Minutes of the meeting held on 20th January 2021, attached.


The minutes were generally noted as an accurate reflection of the previous meeting.

Amendment: page 10. SP noted ‘growth funding is lagged’ should read ‘funding is lagged’.

Action review from the previous meeting

·  Item 3 Consultation: TM thought the hourly payment of staff supporting SEN students was £10.98, TM will double check and get back to SF. Action Complete. TM confirmed the hourly payment is £10.98.

·  Item 7 De-delegated Budgets: NP to provide a detailed breakdown of how the Trade Union support is being used in year. Action Ongoing. This item has been deferred to the June meeting giving more time for detailed information to be provided.

·  Item 7 DSG Funding- Schools Block: NP to report the proportion of pupils captured in each IDACI band. Action Complete – emailed to Schools Forum on 17.03.21. NP gave details in Item 5.



Declarations of Interest

In accordance with the Localism Act 2011, and the Council’s Code of Conduct, Members to disclose any personal or pecuniary interests in any matter included on the agenda for this meeting.


NOTE:  Members are reminded that, where applicable, they must complete the appropriate form recording details of any such interests and hand it to the Meeting Support Officer.


In accordance with the Localism Act 2011, and the Council’s Code of Conduct, Members to disclose any personal or pecuniary interests in any matter included on the agenda for this meeting.


NOTE:  Members are reminded that, where applicable, they must complete the appropriate form recording details of any such interests and hand it to the Meeting Support Officer.


·  No new declarations were noted




(Paper for information and discussion)



·  Papers for information and discussion


NP referred to the funding paper emailed on 17th March 2021 and screen shared the document.


Analysis of the proportion of pupils captured in each IDACI band:

This followed the DFE update of data moving from the 2015 data to 2019 data where there was interest in how that affected the pupils in the different bandings. The IDACI Review table on page 1 shows primary schools split from secondary schools. The top part looks at 2020/21 using the old 2015 banding ranges whereas the 2021/22 uses the new 2019 ranges.


Explaining the table NP advised that the change has affected pupils in the different bands in primary schools and secondary schools as follows;

·  A high proportion of pupils are centralised in Band C.

·  Band F shows the least deprived and also showed an increase.

·  The areas with the highest deprivation are in Band A and B. The number of pupils in these categories have reduced.

·  Band D and E have reduced.

·  Band F has increased.


The DfE have approached the new rankings by grouping each lowest super output area (LSOA) into one of six Bands of decreasing deprivation with Band A being the highest deprived area through to Band F the least deprived area. Areas above Band F are not defined as areas of deprivation and do not attract any pupils in those ranges.


When asked whether there were fewer children for next year NP confirmed there were fewer although it was unclear if this was due to the model change or the number of children in the city. It seems that the children are being presented in different Bands rather than the difference in numbers being captured.


When asked to clarify the meaning of 821 in Band A, NP noted that the DfE presented the table to the LA.  SP clarified that in Band A, the 1 to 821 was a numeric rank from top to bottom; from the 1st highest to 821st highest.  JD added that the Bands were ranked nationally by post code, the 821 are the 2.5% most deprived in the country and some of those pupils are in Southampton.


SP referred to previous Schools Forum meetings minutes and noting the numbers of students on role for 2021/22 is 31,414 compared to 31,251 last year. This indicates a reduction in the number of IDACI funding year on year due to the way the DfE have reviewed it. The number of students captured in the IDACI Bands is going down and they are being pushed further down the IDACI Bands. There were more students in Bands A and B last year and they will be pushed down to Band C. Those in Band D and E are being pushed down to Band F. SP thanked NP for providing the context around the IDACI bandings.



APT Update (2021/22) Surplus transfer to the High Needs Block

NP recalled the vote in January’s Schools Forum meeting when the Forum voted and agreed  ...  view the full minutes text for item 46.



Voting item


The members accepted the proposed virtual meeting dates for the academic year 2021/22.

·  Wednesday 15th September 2021, meet at 3.45pm for a 4.00pm start

·  Wednesday 17th November 2021, meet at 3.45pm for a 4.00pm start

·  Wednesday 19th January 2022, meet at 3.45pm for a 4.00pm start

·  Wednesday 23rd March 2022, meet at 3.45pm for a 4.00pm start

·  Wednesday 15th June 2022, meet at 3.45pm for a 4.00pm start




Day and Date:  Wednesday 23rd June 2021

Time:  3:45pm connectivity check for a 4pm start

Venue:  Microsoft Teams meeting and live streamed




JD advised the Forum that this was NP’s last Schools Forum meeting and extended a huge thank you to NP for all the hard work he has done with schools finance and noted that this is a uniquely complex beast and an incredible amount of work goes on behind the scenes to ensure things run smoothly. NP has worked hard at both getting information to the DfE and answering all the questions posed by the Forum. It has been a pleasure working in partnership with NP. JD noted that Schools Forum is now in a much better state. The Forum may not always like the answer they receive from the LA although he acknowledged that NP works hard to ensure every penny is distributed to the schools where it benefits all the children in the city. On behalf of all Schools Forum NP was wholeheartedly thanked and wished well for the future.

Dates for academic year 2020/21

·  Wednesday 23rd June 2021





JD brought the meeting to a close and noted that the efficiency of the meeting was due to the work of NP and others to get Southampton on track with the NFF. Funding is allocated in a clear and transparent system, the meetings are not restricted by technicalities and that is a positive sign moving forward. JD wished NP well for the future and thanked everyone for joining the Schools Forum meeting. 



Day and Date:  Wednesday 23rd June 2021

Time:  3:45pm to check connectivity before going live for a

  4:00pm meeting start

Venue:   Microsoft Teams meeting and live streamed