Agenda item


(Paper for information and discussion)



·  Papers for information and discussion


NP referred to the funding paper emailed on 17th March 2021 and screen shared the document.


Analysis of the proportion of pupils captured in each IDACI band:

This followed the DFE update of data moving from the 2015 data to 2019 data where there was interest in how that affected the pupils in the different bandings. The IDACI Review table on page 1 shows primary schools split from secondary schools. The top part looks at 2020/21 using the old 2015 banding ranges whereas the 2021/22 uses the new 2019 ranges.


Explaining the table NP advised that the change has affected pupils in the different bands in primary schools and secondary schools as follows;

·  A high proportion of pupils are centralised in Band C.

·  Band F shows the least deprived and also showed an increase.

·  The areas with the highest deprivation are in Band A and B. The number of pupils in these categories have reduced.

·  Band D and E have reduced.

·  Band F has increased.


The DfE have approached the new rankings by grouping each lowest super output area (LSOA) into one of six Bands of decreasing deprivation with Band A being the highest deprived area through to Band F the least deprived area. Areas above Band F are not defined as areas of deprivation and do not attract any pupils in those ranges.


When asked whether there were fewer children for next year NP confirmed there were fewer although it was unclear if this was due to the model change or the number of children in the city. It seems that the children are being presented in different Bands rather than the difference in numbers being captured.


When asked to clarify the meaning of 821 in Band A, NP noted that the DfE presented the table to the LA.  SP clarified that in Band A, the 1 to 821 was a numeric rank from top to bottom; from the 1st highest to 821st highest.  JD added that the Bands were ranked nationally by post code, the 821 are the 2.5% most deprived in the country and some of those pupils are in Southampton.


SP referred to previous Schools Forum meetings minutes and noting the numbers of students on role for 2021/22 is 31,414 compared to 31,251 last year. This indicates a reduction in the number of IDACI funding year on year due to the way the DfE have reviewed it. The number of students captured in the IDACI Bands is going down and they are being pushed further down the IDACI Bands. There were more students in Bands A and B last year and they will be pushed down to Band C. Those in Band D and E are being pushed down to Band F. SP thanked NP for providing the context around the IDACI bandings.



APT Update (2021/22) Surplus transfer to the High Needs Block

NP recalled the vote in January’s Schools Forum meeting when the Forum voted and agreed to transfer the £400K surplus to the High Needs Block. Since that meeting an adjustment has been put through the model to include EAL funding to the schools over three years rather than one year. This additional money for EAL was taken from the surplus funding going to the High Needs Block, they will now receive £228K. The schools are still funded at full NFF with the 2% MFG guarantee. Although it is not £400K, the £228K will be used to contribute to the High Needs overspend.



Covid-19 Grants Update:

Covid-19 ESFA Emergency Schools Support Payments

Schools submitted claims for additional premises, cleaning and free school meals costs through July 2020 when the schools were closed. The claims were made direct from the schools to the DfE, the DfE paid the LA for the approved claims and the LA passed the money back to the schools. Up to February 2021 the LA have refunded £270K for the emergency payments.


Covid-19 Catch Up Premiums

This provides funding to help schools to support students for lost learning due to schools closures. This is being paid in three tranches; two tranches in this academic year and one tranche in the summer totalling £0.96M. The calculation is £80 per pupil for years R to 11 and £240 per pupil for Special schools. The first two tranches have been paid to the schools and the third tranche will be forwarded to the schools once it has been received by the LA.


Covid-19 Winter Grant Scheme

This £900,866 covers December 2020 and Easter school holidays in 2021. This mainly supports vulnerable families and individuals, 80% of the grant goes to families with children and 20% goes to adults. The funding is being allocated to families by way of Edenred vouchers. The LA have received £450K funding, £313K will arrive in April and the balance will arrive early next year.


New £700M Education Recovery Package for Children and Young People

The timetable for the funding has not yet been confirmed and covers a new one-off £302M Recovery Premium for state primary and secondary schools, building on the Pupil Premium to support pupils who are most in need. The funding to primary schools will be £6K and secondary schools £22K approx. A further £200M will be used to expand the tutoring programmes and £200M will be available to secondary schools only to deliver face to face summer schools. Once more information is to hand it will be sent out to the schools.


(Covid-19) Workforce Fund Online form for Schools and Colleges

The LA recently sent an email to schools about claims information, the schools were provided with an online link to complete and send to the DfE, and on acceptance the DfE will pass the funding back to the schools via the LA in the new year. The fund covers workforce absences experienced from 1st November 2020 to the end of the 2020 autumn term. Both schools and academy trusts can claim for costs eligible for reimbursement through this fund in spring 2021. The LA have sent on the claims process detailed guidance published by the DfE. The LA are keeping a keen eye out for other grants and they are supporting schools with claims as they are received. Once received, the LA will distribute both information and refunds to the schools.


When asked for clarity around the Holiday Activity fund being part of the £901K Covid-19 Winter Grant Scheme, DW advised that this was a separate fund of £1.2M for Southampton.


When asked if the Education Recovery Package applied to Special schools, NP referred to the information provided to the LA suggesting it was for state primary and secondary schools. DW thought it would fall foul of discrimination legislation if it did not include special schools. ACTION: NP to check this and give an update in the June meeting. MM checked with the DfE and found that eligibility includes Special schools.


JH sought clarification around the date the Education Recovery Package money would be received by the schools. NP advised that it will be in the new financial year although the timetable has not yet been communicated to the LA.