Agenda and minutes

Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee - Thursday, 15th December, 2016 5.30 pm

Venue: Council Chamber - Civic Centre

Contact: Judy Cordell, Senior Democratic Support Officer  Tel:- 023 8083 2302

No. Item


Apologies and Changes in Panel Membership (If Any)

To note any changes in membership of the Committee made in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 4.3.


The apologies of Councillor Hannides and Reverend Williams were noted and that following receipt of the temporary resignation of Councillor T Thomas from Committee, the Service Director Legal and Governance acting under delegated powers, had appointed Councillor D Thomas to replace her for the purposes of this meeting.



Minutes of the Previous Meeting (including matters arising) pdf icon PDF 60 KB

To approve and sign as a correct record the Minutes of the meetings held on 10th November, 2016 and to deal with any matters arising, attached.


RESOLVED that the minutes for the Committee meeting on 10th November, 2016 be approved and signed as a correct record.



Air Quality Update pdf icon PDF 104 KB

Report of the Cabinet Member for Transformation Projects outlining progress made in implementing the recommendations from the Air Quality Scrutiny Inquiry and the subsequent developments relating to the publication of a Clean Air Strategy and associated Clean Air Zone Implementation Plan, attached.

Additional documents:


The Committee considered the report of the Cabinet Member for Transformation Projects providing an update on the progress made towards achieving recommendations from the Air Quality Scrutiny Inquiry and the latest situation concerning the Government’s position, grant funding and how this would impact on the work programme to improve air quality. 


Councillor Hammond, Cabinet Member for Transformation Projects was present and with the consent of the Chair addressed the meeting.




(i)  That the Executive ensures that lessons were learnt from each unsuccessful funding bid;

(ii)  That the Cabinet Member reviews the timeline for the installation of electric vehicle charging points in Southampton with a view to bringing forward installation where possible;

(iii)  That the Cabinet Member, working collectively with the group of Clean Air Zone (CAZ) cities, consults with DeFRA with a view to enabling the CAZ to become operational from 2018/19;

(iv)  That the Cabinet Member consults with the Cabinet Member for Environment and Transport to seek assurance that the Highway’s Agency proposals relating to Redbridge roundabout will dovetail with the Council’s transport plans to ensure that any impact on air pollution is mitigated. 

(v)  That a briefing paper on the ‘Green Wall’ proposal was circulated to the Committee. 








Safe City Partnership Annual Report pdf icon PDF 252 KB

Report of the Chair of the Safe City Partnership providing the Committee with an update on community safety in Southampton and the Safe City Partnership, attached.

Additional documents:


The Committee considered the report of the Chair of the Safe City Partnership providing an update on community safety in Southampton and the Safe City partnership and information from the recently completed Community Safety Strategic Needs Assessment. 


Superintendent Heydari was present and with the consent of the Chair addressed the meeting.




(i)  That the Chair of the Safe City Partnership contacts the universities in Southampton to encourage them to re-inforce the message to their students with regards to expected standards of behaviour;

(ii)  That a breakdown of recorded sexual offences is circulated to the Committee to enable the Committee to factor in the rise in recorded non-recent offences; and

(iii)  That reflecting the ongoing problem with street begging in Southampton and feedback received by Councillors, Council officers:


a)  Investigate if the message being delivered that there is no need for anybody to be sleeping on the streets in Southampton is accurate; and

b)  Increase efforts to publicise the diverted giving scheme to raise awareness of the alternatives to giving to street beggars.







Monitoring Scrutiny Recommendations to the Executive pdf icon PDF 61 KB

Report of the Service Director, Legal and Governance enabling the Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee to monitor and track progress on recommendations made to the Executive at previous meetings, attached.

Additional documents:


The Committee received and noted the report of the Service Director, Legal and governance detailing the actions of the Executive and monitoring progress of the recommendations of the Committee.