Converting a civil partnership into a marriage

Wedding Cushion

How to convert your civil partnership into a marriage

Same sex couples who are in a civil partnership are able to convert it to a marriage. They can either have a conversion with no ceremony (one-stage conversion) or have a conversion with a ceremony (two-stage conversion).

One-stage conversion

We make an appointment for you both to attend the Register Office where you show us documents to prove your identification, civil partnership and address.

It is a simple administrative process which takes about 45 minutes, and just by signing the 'declaration' your civil partnership is converted to a marriage. There will be no ceremony.

The fee for the one-stage conversion is £50 per couple.

Your marriage certificate may be provided on the same day or sent out later. Please note marriage certificates will cost an additional £12.50 each.

Two-stage conversion

Make an appointment for you both to attend the Register Office where you show us documents to prove your identification, civil partnership and address. The fee for this first stage is £30 per couple. At this stage we arrange a date and time for your conversion ceremony.

You and your guests then attend your conversion ceremony on the agreed date at Westgate Hall, The Golden Jubilee Room or at one of our licensed hotels or venues. This could also be at a religious building registered for marriages of same-sex couples. Your civil partnership is converted to marriage when you sign the 'declaration' in the presence of your family and friends.

Can I add personal touches to my ceremony?

Your ceremony can be embellished to include many of the traditions you are used to seeing. Many couples like to enhance their ceremony with readings and music, and enjoy having the flexibility to make their ceremony their own. You can also make promises to each other and exchange rings with your family and friends present.

The fee for this stage of the process is dependent on the place where the ceremony is held, and there is a deposit fee to secure the time and date you have selected when you attend the one-stage conversion.