Marriages and civil partnerships abroad

Romantic couple

Having your ceremony abroad?

Some couples decide to have their legal ceremony abroad. If you are a British national getting married or having a civil partnership abroad, you might need certain documents from the UK government, for example a certificate of no impediment (CNI).

The legal requirements vary from country to country, therefore you will need to contact the local authorities where you want to get married to find out what you need to do.

If you do need a certificate of no impediment (CNI) your appointment will be with the Register Office in the district where you live. To check your area please visit

How to arrange your ceremony aboard

Using a ceremony co-ordinator (through a hotel, for example) will ensure that the requirements are met, however it is possible to arrange your ceremony abroad without one.

Can I have my legal ceremony in the UK and arrange other ceremony abroad?

Yes, you may solemnise your marriage or civil partnership in Southampton by booking a legal ceremony. You would then be able to book a 'blessing' abroad without worrying about the paperwork procedures required for other countries.

This option is very popular with couples and gives them the chance to have two ceremonies. Relatives may not be able to travel aboard but would still be able to see you make your vows in the UK.