Apply for a new residents' permit

Apply for a resident parking permit

There are few things you need to check before applying:

Remember: If you still need to register the vehicle at the address where the parking permit is needed, or the V5 (V5C) is currently being processed with DVLA, you will only be able to apply for a temporary residents' parking permit until you receive the vehicle's new V5C from the DVLA.

Charges for resident and temporary residents' parking permits

Zone number First permit (12 months) Second permit (12 Months) Temporary permit
Zone 1-12 £30 £30 £15
Zone 13-14 Free Free Free
Zone 15-16 £30 £30 £15
Zone 17 £100 Not eligible £15
Zone 18 £60 Not eligible £15
Zone 20-22 £100 Not eligible £12.50
Zone 23 £60 Not eligible £15
Zone 26-27 £30 £30 £15

Before you fill in this form

You won't be able to save this form to complete later, so please allow yourself 5-10 minutes to fill in the form.

You will need to provide the following documents, if you’re unsure on what type of proofs to provide, find out more about the types of documents we accept

  • Proof of vehicle ownership
  • Proof of residence
  • A payment card, Apple Pay or Google Pay*
  • A printer - you can carry on without a printer but you will need one to print the temporary permit
  • If you are not the registered keeper of the vehicle because it belongs to an employer, parent, business, or partner for example, you will also need to provide a letter of authorisation from the keeper or company. More information in our frequently asked questions below

Apply for a residents' parking permit

* We now accept Apple Pay and Google Pay. This is providing you have signed up to those methods and are making payment through one of the provider's recognised browsers. Please note: for Apple Pay customers, your wallet will show Heycentric Ltd but your Bank Account will always show Southampton City Council.

Once your online application is submitted and paid for, you can print a three week temporary permit to display in your vehicle while your annual permit is being processed.

We aim to process your application within two working days of your request. Once we have processed your application, you should receive your permit in the post within seven working days.

Remember: If we ask you for more information, you need to respond within three months or your application will be closed and you will not be refunded.

If you are unable to apply online, downloadable application forms are available. You can apply in person at Gateway or by returning the form by post.

Season tickets

If you are a city centre resident or anyone wishing to park in the city centre on a regular basis, you may benefit from buying a season ticket to get cheaper parking. Please see the guidance on the different options, charges and on how to apply for City Centre season tickets.

Using your parking permit

You will only be able to park in the zone you have been issued on your permit. You can check your zone boundary and restriction times using the zone map.

Please make sure you also check the roadside plates when you park to check when restrictions are in force.

Find more information on how to use your parking permit on our website.

A Residents’ Parking permit only applies to the vehicle whose registration number appears on that permit.

Frequently asked questions

I’ve lost my parking permit, how do I replace it? SHOW

I no longer need my parking permit, what do I need to do? SHOW

Can I get a refund? SHOW

What if I'm not the registered keeper of the vehicle or I am the hirer of the vehicle? SHOW

My vehicle is registered to another address while I’m living in Southampton as a student, what can I do? SHOW

Warning: Section 115 of the Road Traffic Regulations Act, 1984

Provides penalties for any person who makes a false statement to obtain a permit or with intent to deceive, forges, or alters, or uses, or lends to, or allows to be used, or has in their possession any document so closely resembling any such permit as to be calculated to deceive.

Misuse of a parking permit is fraud. We will investigate all reports of the misuse of permits.