Business parking permits

There are three types of business parking permits available depending on the nature of the work and the area of the city.

Permit applications are processed within seven working days and are posted by second class post. If you need a permit sooner than this, you can still apply, but you will need to collect your permit from Gateway instead.

Zone 21 permits for 30 minutes or one day are only available over the counter at Gateway.

For parking in a resident parking zone

These permits are for businesses with a registered address in a resident parking zone and for those carrying out works on a property in a resident parking zone. They are valid for use in the stated resident's permit zone.

For zone 1: Only GPs with a surgery within this zone can apply for a 12 month permit. Otherwise, only a two week temporary permit will be available.

The cost for:

  • Two weeks is £14
  • Four months is £115
  • 12 months is £306

Apply for a business permit (resident zone)

For a suburban car park

These permits are for businesses wishing to park in a suburban car park. This needs to be a car park in the district centre of your business. This is valid for 12 months and costs £250 per vehicle.

These car parks are:

  • Angel Crescent, Bitterne
  • Lances Hill, Bitterne
  • Whites Road, Bitterne
  • Howard’s Grove, Shirley
  • Marlborough Road, Shirley
  • Westridge Road, Portswood
  • Oakbank Road, Woolston

You can apply online using this form:


Before you fill in this form

You won't be able to save this form to complete later, so please allow yourself at least five minutes to fill in the form.

To apply for this permit, you will need:

  • A copy of the letter confirming the company name and outlining the need for the permit. This should be on a company letterheaded paper
  • A payment card, Apple Pay or Google Pay*

Apply for a suburban car park business permit

* We now accept Apple Pay and Google Pay. This is providing you have signed up to those methods and are making payment through one of the provider's recognised browsers. Please note: for Apple Pay customers, your wallet will show Heycentric Ltd but your Bank Account will always show Southampton City Council.

Zone 21 West Marlands Road and Guildhall Square permit

This is a restricted parking zone and loading and unloading is only permitted in the designated ‘Permit holder’ bays. Anyone wishing to park in these bays to load or unload a vehicle may need to obtain a permit. For more information, please read our Zone 21 Guildhall guidance.

30 minute permits cost £1 and a one day permit costs £10. These are available over the counter at Gateway.

12 month permits cost £60. You can apply using our online form, below:


Before you fill in this form

You won't be able to save this form to complete later, so please allow yourself at least five minutes to fill in the form.

You will also need:

  • A copy of the letter confirming the company name and outlining the need for the permit. This should be on a company letterheaded paper
  • A payment card, Apple Pay or Google Pay*

Apply for a 12 month Zone 21 permit

* We now accept Apple Pay and Google Pay. This is providing you have signed up to those methods and are making payment through one of the provider's recognised browsers. Please note: for Apple Pay customers, your wallet will show Heycentric Ltd but your Bank Account will always show Southampton City Council.


Section 115 of the Road Traffic Regulations Act, 1984 provides penalties for any person who makes a false statement to obtain a permit or with intent to deceive, forges, or alters, or uses, or lends to, or allows to be used, or has in their possession any document so closely resembling any such permit as to be calculated to deceive.

Misuse of a parking permit is fraud. We will investigate all reports of the misuse of permits.