Lost, damaged or invalid card

SmartCities card close up

Replace a lost or damaged card

You can replace a lost or damaged SmartCities personalised Itchen Bridge payment card or Senior Citizen bus pass card by making a payment online. Please complete the SmartCities card application and select "replace a lost card".

A replacement card costs £12.

You can also make a payment in Gateway.

Disabled person's bus pass/ Itchen Bridge card, Standard and Business cards

You can pay to replace your card by visiting Gateway.

Alternatively a payment can be made online.

For disabled person's cards, if your card has expired or is due to expire, please see our information about renewing.


Before you make a payment

You won't be able to save this form to complete later, so please allow yourself a couple of minutes to fill in the form.

Please note refunds for this amount cannot be given. Your card will be posted and should be received within 10 days.

You will need:

  • A payment card, Apple Pay or Google Pay*

Pay for a replacement SmartCities card

* We now accept Apple Pay and Google Pay. This is providing you have signed up to those methods and are making payment through one of the provider's recognised browsers. Please note: for Apple Pay customers, your wallet will show Heycentric Ltd but your Bank Account will always show Southampton City Council.

For further assistance please contact us.

Terms and conditions/privacy for SmartCities

Invalid concessionary bus pass card

If your bus pass card is not valid it will have been hotlisted.

Is your bus pass valid?

Bus ticket machines on local bus services in Southampton and surrounding areas will indicate if a Concessionary Bus Pass is not valid for travel and will give an alarm signal.

Why would your bus pass not be valid (hotlisted)?

  1. If you have informed the council that your pass had been lost or stolen – please do not use bus passes which have been found after being replaced, these will be hotlisted.
  2. If it had previously been used fraudulently – all bus passes which have been reported as being used fraudulently will be hotlisted.
  3. If you are no longer entitled to concessionary travel. The council should be notified if your circumstances change and you no longer qualify.

What happens if the ticket machine indicates my bus pass is no longer valid?

The driver will inform you that your pass is not valid - you will be able to continue to travel on your journey.

You will be given a leaflet giving contact details and requesting that you apply to replace your bus pass within a certain time scale if you want to continue receiving concessionary travel.

What do I do if my bus pass is not valid?

Contact SmartCities giving your name and account number (from the back left hand side of the card) or visit a Southampton City Council Library or Gateway.

Terms and conditions/privacy for SmartCities