Frequently asked questions about the School Travel Service

Please read the following frequently asked questions about the School Travel Service. You can also find out about alternative options if your application is rejected.

How is the distance from home to school measured? SHOW

What is meant by an appropriate school? SHOW

What if my child is registered at more than one qualifying school? SHOW

What if the child has no fixed address? SHOW

What if my child has been temporarily excluded? SHOW

When and where will my child be picked up or dropped off? SHOW

What types of travel support are available? SHOW

Who runs the service? SHOW

What type of vehicle will be used to get my child to school? SHOW

What if I want to take my own child to school? SHOW

Will the travel arrangements ever change? SHOW

Who will look after my child during the journey? SHOW

If my child travels to school on a council provided vehicle, who provides the driver? SHOW

Where will my child be picked up and dropped off? SHOW

Can I request a different pickup point or drop off point for my child? SHOW

How do I know that my child is safe? SHOW

What standards of behaviour are expected of the children using a council School Travel Service vehicle? SHOW

How can I help the School Travel Service if my child is travelling on a council School Travel Service vehicle? SHOW

Alternative options if your application is rejected

English National Concessionary bus pass

Southampton residents over five years of age who have a long-term eligible disability can apply for an off-peak travel bus pass. Off-peak travel is between 9.30am and 11pm. 

If your bus pass has been issued by us, you can also use it when boarding a bus within the city's boundary between 9am and 12.30am, Monday to Friday.

If your child is registered as severely sight-impaired, they will be entitled to free bus travel at any time within Southampton.

If your child cannot travel alone, they may qualify for a companion bus pass. This will allow one carer to travel with them free of charge on journeys within the city boundary.

Find out more about travel for disabled people.

Privilege places

Students who are not eligible for funded transport travel support may be able to buy spare seats on a contract vehicle. This is called “Privilege Transport” and costs £750 per year.

Privilege seats are not usually allocated until after the school year has begun, and potentially not until October. Privilege seats are not guaranteed and can only be offered whilst the seat is not needed for an eligible student.

Please be aware that privilege places can be withdrawn if they are needed for eligible children. Should we need to withdraw your place, we will give you 10 day's notice and refund you on a pro-rata basis.

How to do I apply for a privilege place?

You can contact to find out more information and request an application form.

Parent carers buying a privilege seat will need to submit a new application form each year.

Next steps

Apply, contact or find out more about the School Travel Service.