Code of conduct for drivers

As a driver, you are representing Southampton City Council and working with the city’s most vulnerable children and young people who use the School Travel Service. The list below is a summary of what is expected of you whilst on duty. For many of these children and young people, you will be a consistent and vital part of their day.

  1. You must ensure that the clients you transport arrive safely at the correct destination and on time
  2. High personal and vehicle standards should be always maintained
  3. Although drivers are no longer required by law to carry a fire extinguisher or a first aid kit, drivers are advised to call the appropriate emergency services to avoid putting themselves or passengers at risk
  4. If there is no passenger assistant travelling on your vehicle, you have primary responsibility for the client(s)
  5. Families are given a nominated pick-up time for the client. It is their responsibility to look out for the arrival of the vehicle so it should not be necessary for you to let them know that you have arrived. However, if you are running more than 10 minutes late, and there is no passenger assistant, you should telephone your office who should inform the parent/carer to update them on your likely arrival time
  6. If a client is not ready to be collected, or no one comes out from the house, you should wait for three minutes after the nominated pick-up time before leaving. This applies whether you arrive on time or early. If you have arrived late, you should still wait for three minutes
  7. When picking up or dropping off clients, you should always stop on the same side of the road as the pick-up/drop-off point wherever possible. Pay special attention to any hazards, traffic, or obstructions to ensure client safety
  8. Do not let any child exit the vehicle at a stop that is not their school or home address unless for health and safety reasons
  9. When a client travels in a wheelchair, you are always responsible for ensuring that the wheelchair is correctly fixed into the vehicle, to ensure the client is kept as safe as possible during the journey
  10. Before leaving any stop, you must carry out a visual check to ensure that the passenger assistant is seated and that all clients on the vehicle have their seatbelts correctly fastened
  11. At each final destination, you must carry out a visual check to ensure that all clients have exited the vehicle
  12. Always drive in a safe and considerate manner, avoiding sharp braking, fast cornering, and harsh acceleration. This is to ensure the safety and welfare of passengers
  13. Never use a mobile phone whilst the vehicle is in motion. The use of a handheld phone is only permitted when your vehicle is parked and the engine is switched off. Hands-free sets may be used when your vehicle is stationary
  14. You must be medically fit to drive at all times and inform your employer and the DVLA if you have any medical condition which may affect your ability to drive
  15. Never consume alcohol or drugs (including prescription drugs) at any time before driving where their consumption could in any way affect your driving performance. You should note that alcohol can affect driving concentration, reaction times, and judgement performance for up to 24 hours after its consumption, and that drugs can affect you for much longer. If you are taking prescription medication, you should always check with your medical practitioner or pharmacist that it is safe to drive
  16. Keep the school travel route information confidential and secure. You must not share route information with others unrelated to the schedule. It must be confidentially destroyed when no longer relevant
  17. Never take pictures of a client or allow a client to take pictures of you. Never allow a client to see any stored pictures on mobile phones or allow them to hear inappropriate messages or ring tones. This excludes any camera system that is required to be in the car by condition
  18. It may be necessary for you to have the telephone number for the parents/carers which must only be used in relation to transportation of the clients and must not be shared with any parties not involved in their transportation
  19. You should not under any circumstances give your contact number to passengers, however it is acceptable to give your contact number to the parent/carer/passenger assistant for work purposes only
  20. Never use bad language or make remarks that are personal, sexual, racist, or which could be judged to be offensive in any way
  21. You must not smoke, including use of e-cigarettes and vaping, whilst on duty inside or outside of the vehicle. There is no smoking or vaping at any time in a licensed vehicle
  22. You should dress appropriately for the work involved
  23. You must wear your ID badge
  24. You must always maintain a courteous, professional relationship with passengers, parents, carers, school staff, and other drivers/passenger assistants. You must not undermine the authority of the staff at any school or establishment
  25. Reasonable requests from staff at schools and other establishments must be accepted, for example, should a school staff member advise you to park in a particular area of the school to pick up a pupil, please adhere to this. If you are unsure or do not feel that a request is reasonable, you must contact the School Travel Service office (023 8083 2419)
  26. Do not discuss passengers/school staff/drivers/parents/passenger assistants with anyone apart from the School Travel Office/school staff if appropriate. Please be aware that school staff/parents could overhear you which is a breach of confidentiality
  27. Discussing a child or children or young person with school staff while clients are present is not acceptable
  28. Drivers should avoid any dangerous distractions, for example, waving at other drivers whilst your vehicle is in motion

Thank you for all you do to ensure that their journey is safe and enjoyable.

See the latest Information for School Travel Service suppliers.