Anti-bullying information

In Southampton, we strongly believe that every child/young person has the right to live in a community free from harassment and bullying.

Children should grow up free from bullying because a nurturing and safe environment is essential for their healthy development and wellbeing. Bullying can have profound and long-lasting effects on a child’s mental, emotional, and physical health, impeding their ability to learn, form healthy relationships, and develop a positive self-image.

By ensuring that children are free from bullying in their communities and lives, we create a foundation for them to thrive academically, socially, and emotionally. A bully-free environment fosters confidence, resilience, and a sense of security, allowing children to explore their potential and grow into well-adjusted, compassionate adults who contribute positively to society.

What is bullying video

The importance of addressing bullying

Bullying is a serious issue that requires our collective attention. It involves repeated harmful actions over time, causing significant pain and distress to the victim. This abuse of power leaves the bully feeling in control and the victim feeling powerless.

The role of the community SHOW

The impact of bullying SHOW

Forms of bullying SHOW

Where bullying occurs SHOW

Consequences of bullying SHOW

Key points about bullying SHOW

Signs of bullying SHOW

Steps for parents SHOW

Supporting your child SHOW

Peer pressure SHOW

Additional resources

For more guidance on dealing with bullying, consider these organizations:

  • Family Lives: Provides 24-hour support for vulnerable children, young people, and their families. Visit Family Lives
  • Childline: Offers help for children and families facing difficult issues. Visit Childline
  • Kidscape: Dedicated to preventing child abuse and bullying. Visit Kidscape
  • Bullying UK: A part of Family Lives


Cyberbullying involves using digital platforms to harass or humiliate others. It can occur through apps, messaging, social networks, online games, and various devices.

Preventative actions SHOW

Sexting and online grooming SHOW

Action steps SHOW

Anti Bullying Alliance

The Anti Bullying Alliance offers information about all aspects of bullying with lots of advice for parents, young people, schools and teachers, GPs and health staff. There is also advice on making a complaint and bullying at work, cyberbullying, and bullying and the law.                                

Visit the Anti Bullying Alliance.

Getting further help and advice

You can seek help and advice from the following organisations:

Website Telephone number
Family Lives 0808 800 2222
Kidscape 0845 120 5204
Anti-Bullying Alliance -
NSPCC 0808 800 5000
Childline 0800 1111
Barnardo’s -
Childnet International 020 7639 6967
Mencap 0808 808 1111

Further information

See the statutory guidance for schools and colleges on safeguarding children.