Finding the right work for you

Help finding work

Employment Support Team

CV being printed

This is the council’s employment support service. They can help you to: look for work that you would like to do, apply for a supported internship or find training opportunities as well as help you write a CV and prepare for interviews.

The team can work with an employer that you would like to work for and help them to provide any additional support that you may need in the workplace. There are a number of Supported Internship programmes that the Employment Support Team can help you to apply for.

Job Centre

Job Centre Plus

You can go to the local job centre where a Disability Employment Officer can help you to find jobs near where you live. Find your nearest jobcentre.

Other useful links

  • Jobs Bulletin – the latest job opportunities in Southampton, which is updated every two weeks
  • Saints Works – Uses football to build confidence and break down barriers to finding work
  • The Prince’s Trust – develops your skills and motivation to find work or start your own business
  • Safe New Futures – offers training to build self-esteem and motivation

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