Part 1 of the Inclusive Education Audit

Who should complete the audit

The audit should be completed by the Senior Leadership Team and Governors with input from staff across the setting’s community, including parents and children/young people, in line with the underlying principles in the Code of Practice.

Audit scope

Whilst initially developed to support children and young people with special educational needs it was agreed that it should be about inclusive education for all. Settings are therefore asked to assess their current position for each statement giving due consideration to their whole community and all protected characteristics.

The acronym CYP is used throughout the document to refer to children and young people.

The term ‘setting’ is used to refer to schools and colleges.

Examples of good practice

To support completion of the audit, settings may wish to refer to the examples of good practice in Part 4, recognising that this is not an exhaustive list, and many settings will have developed their own creative solutions to the inclusion of some groups of children/young people. Settings are encouraged to share their ideas to build an ever-increasing range of strategies.

Structure of Part 1

Following consideration of current practice and areas for improvement, settings are asked to rate themselves on whether they feel the standard is embedded, in progress or not started. At the end of each section is a summary and overall assessment of the settings current position.

View the full audit process.