Local Offer co-production in the city

Southampton City Council work in conjunction with Southampton Parent Carer Forum to actively co-produce local services and the extensive work that goes on around Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) in Southampton.

  • Southampton Parent Carer Forum
  • SEND Local Offer/website development

Southampton Parent Carer Forum

Southampton Parent Carer Forum exists as a force for positive change. Our vision is for an accepting and empathetic wider community where the daily challenges faced by parent carers are recognised and understood, and there is a shared commitment to overcome them.

Lived experience can make all the difference – each of our families have something of value to contribute based on how they experience the world around them. Sharing is not something we expect from our families but if you do want to tell us what life is like for you, we are here to listen, learn and be open to different perspectives and ideas.

We gather our learnings and form a strong, collective voice to inform our partnership working with public bodies to shape better services for us all. Amy Kendall is the Acting Chair for the forum, for any enquiries or more information contact chair@sotonpcf.org.uk.

SEND Local Offer development work

It was identified that the SEND Local Offer/website was not as user friendly/accessible and meaningful as it could be. Therefore work started in June 2021 to look at how this could be adapted and updated to ensure the website meets the needs of our families in Southampton. Claire Pritchard took on the role of SEND Local Offer Development Officer. A Facebook page to share information about local providers and activities is now live. View the Southampton SEND Local Offer Facebook page.

The new SEND Local Offer website is now live and we would love to hear what you think? If you can spare a few minutes to take a look at the website and share your thoughts, it would be greatly appreciated. You can forward feedback and comments to localoffer@southampton.gov.uk.

Meet the team

Claire Pritchard – SEND Local Offer Officer

Claire Pritchard Hello!

So, I'm mum to a wonderful young man with Aspergers and ADHD. I started my career in Special Educational Needs and Disabilities by volunteering with Southampton SENDIASS supporting fellow parent/carers with their children's' educational needs. This role then led to me taking on a paid role with Rose Road Association and establishing the Southampton Parent Carer Forum. In June 2021, I took on the role of SEND Local Offer Development Officer for Rose Rose Association working in conjunction with Southampton City Council to develop and re-launch the Local Offer website. I'm currently the Local Offer Officer for Southampton City Council and support families and professionals to navigate the website and find the information they need. I also provide training and information sessions to upskill professionals on how to use the new website and where to find the information they need to signpost families to.

Volunteering gave me my confidence back, gave me vital peer support from other parent/carers and helped me get back into the working world.

I've learnt so much about SEND and the services/groups in the local area and gained so many amazing friends throughout this journey.

Ryan McManus

Ryan McManusMy name is Ryan McManus and I have personal experience of having a Education, Health and Care Plan through my school years. I know what a challenge that was to get. I have personal experience of living with autism and dyslexia. I’m currently helping the local authority to put changes into the education system to help people to understand learning difficulties, and make sure the young person and their family get the right support.