Last updated: 31-12-2023. From web page: Early Years Advisory Teachers.

Service Level Agreement 2025-2026 – Southampton Academy Schools and non-Southampton Schools – Early Years Advisory Teachers and Early Years & Childcare Development Team



The Early Years Advisory Teachers and Area SENDCos (EYATS) are part of the Early Years and Childcare service. This sits within the wider Education service and offers specialist support to Early Years, Year R and Year 1 colleagues.

The EYATS are qualified teachers with extensive experience in both teaching, curriculum and leadership in the Foundation Stage. They provide high-quality, tailored support for the Early Years Foundation Stage and beyond thereby contributing to raising attainment and achievement for children, they are also Area SENDCos and offer support and guidance on how to deliver the best provision and support for children with Special Educational Needs in the Foundation Stage. There is an ever growing number of children in schools with additional needs. The complexity levels of these children is also increasing. Mainstream educational settings are receiving a higher number of children with EHCPs and this is impacting the level of support that can be given. This may mean settings require extra support to further explore practice and provision to meet these ever changing needs.

A new SLA has been devised with the current climate in mind. We believe we offer real value for money with the support options offered. There is not a one size fits all approach so this offer is responsive and flexible to enable schools to buy in a package or a specific “one off” support that best meets their needs and budget. The experienced team, with a proven track record of supporting schools to improve will offer professional challenge within a framework of high support. At all times we aim to work with colleagues on their journey of continued improvement. We use evidence based approaches and draw upon the collective expertise of the team. This ensures the highest quality support, advice and training.

Service options

These service options are designed to provide a comprehensive but flexible service delivery model. Services can be purchased by individual Schools, or by clusters of Schools.  Work includes: direct work in schools, planning and preparation time, liaison with staff and other agencies, review meetings, record completion and related administrative and travel time.

Where a school has purchased time, the Early years’ service will make every effort to offer work appropriate to the needs of the school within this timeframe. It is the responsibility of the school to ensure that the purchased time has been used by the end of the academic year. We regret that purchased time cannot be carried forward. In the unlikely event that the Early years’ service is unable to deliver work that has been negotiated, we may consider carrying a small amount of purchased time over on a case by case basis.

We outline responsibilities for both parties involved to ensure the most effective use of support purchased.

The EYATs will:

  • Agree and plan in collaboration with the school what the support will look like and the timescales involved.
  • Plan the most efficient and use of time.
  • Uphold professional standards and confidentiality at all times.
  • Provide a written record of visit (if appropriate)
  • Reflect on evaluation given.

Schools will:

  • Agree and plan in collaboration with the EYAT what the support will look like and the timescales involved.
  • Identify a key member of staff as the main point of contact and who will coordinate the support.
  • Obtain parental consent if working with individual children.
  • Enable access to relevant data (if appropriate).
  • Provide a space for the EYAT to work.

We offer 3 packages with differing levels of input.

Standard (minimum 12 hours)

  • Named EYAT for email and telephone support
  • A named EYAT as a school development partner who will offer a half day strategic review of EYFS practice and provision. The focus can be pre-decided if needed.  A written report will be provided with agreed actions decided. (4 hours and 2 prep and write up time)
  • A follow up half day review to look at progress towards actions and identify any other areas for development. A written report will be provided and agreed actions decided. (4 hours and 2 hours prep and write up time)

Enhanced (minimum 18 hours)

  • Everything in the standard package plus
  • A 3 hour training from the bespoke training package menu for up to 12 staff.
  • An audit of SEND provision through the Southampton Inclusion Shared Conversation. (3 hours)

Superior (minimum 24 hours)

  • Everything in the enhanced package plus
  • An assessment and data deep dive to identify any gaps in learning and/or provision (3 hours)
  • Moderation of EYFS judgements. (3 hours)

Themed packages of support are also offered.

Quality and Curriculum Package (18 hours)

This enables you to look at the quality of the practice and provision of your EYFS offer.  Are you aware of the statutory requirements?  Can you identify effective early years practice?  Is your curriculum by design or chance? Do you know what your strengths are and areas which require developing? It includes:

  • Understanding the EYFS: enacting your statutory responsibilities. This can be delivered as a training session for all staff or as a discussion with key staff members.  This is up to 3 hours.
  • Audits of EY provision: to include ITERS and ECERS, communication friendly spaces, talking hot spots etc. This is a 4 hour visit that involves spending time in the setting and watching staff in action.  A discussion is then held with relevant staff.
  • How effective is your outdoor classroom? Time will be spent evaluating your outdoor offer to ensure all 7 areas of learning are represented.  How can children develop characteristics of teaching and learning?  A 3 hour visit including a learning walk and observation in the outdoor area and discussion with staff.
  • Becoming an authentic play partner. This is a 2 hour training suitable for all staff engaged in interactions and engagement with children.
  • Planning your curriculum: this 3 hour discussion session looks at the needs of your cohort and how the curriculum needs to be adapted to meet their needs and interests. It ensures that a progressive approach is offered.
  • Mind the gap: this gives you an opportunity to evaluate your EYFSP data and analyse in detail. How are gaps in learning identified and addressed? This is a 3 hour session.

SEND Package (14.5 hours)

This enables in an in depth look at the SEND provision in the EYFS.  It also allows consideration of those children in other year groups but who need to continue to access an EYFS curriculum  It includes:

  • An audit of SEND practice and provision in the EYFS using the Southampton Inclusion Support Conversation (SISC). This includes a shared learning walk in the setting to observe practice and provision offered.  The SISC is then completed through discussions with staff and evidence gained from the learning walk.  This is a 3 hour visit plus report completion time.
  • Developing awareness of interventions. This is a 2.5 hour training suitable for all staff.
  • The role of the individual support adult. This is a 3 hour training for adults supporting children on an individual basis.
  • Understanding and meeting the needs of your cohort. This is delivered as a discussion and problem solving session with staff.  It explores how the increasing needs of children can be met without needing extra adults.  It considers the universal offer and what changes may need to be made.  How can the learning environment be made more SEND friendly and how does practice become further differentiated.  This is a 3 hour session.
  • Developing awareness of the EY Profile of Need and completing an EY EHC needs assessment request. A 3 hour session with SENDCo/EYFS/YR colleagues.

People’s Package

This offer supports the staff working in your setting both in the EYFS and in the wider school.  Is your YR teacher new to the EY or and ECT?  Does the EYFS lead know how to strategically lead and plan the provision and monitor practice?  Can your subject leaders translate their knowledge into what their specialist area looks like in the EYFS? Does all SLT understand the requirements of the EYFS?

  • New to YR: 3 hour input for ECT colleagues or those new to YR
  • Subject leads: Helping subject leads understand what their area of expertise looks like in the EYFS. 3 subjects of your choice can be chosen (3 hour discussion)
  • Developing an awareness of the EYFS: a 2 hour training session on essential EYFS for governors.
  • What do they know? How can head teachers and SLT effectively monitor the EYFS?  How can evidence be gained through conversations? (2 hours)

Data and Assessment package

This package will offer a forensic look at your data.  Is there more information that can be gathered from your data that could impact your results?  Are you identifying the children not on track and what their gaps in learning may be? Are you confident that your judgements across the EYFS are robust?

  • Data detective: a forensic look at your data to identify gaps. Do you understand what your nexus data is telling you? (3 Hours)
  • Accurate assessment: How to ensure accurate moderation of judgements in the EYFS. How do you sense check what is happening? (3 hour discussion)
  • Mind the gap: this gives you an opportunity to evaluate your EYFSP data and analyse in detail. How are gaps in learning identified and addressed? This is a 3 hour session.

Bolt-ons to any themed package:

  • Individualised support for children with emerging and identified SEND
  • Support to match the curriculum to support learning for identified groups of children for example speech, language and communication needs, listening and attention and personal and social development.
  • EHCN assessment request checking for individual children

Bolt-ons and stand-alone trainings

  • Head teachers and Leadership teams in evaluating the quality of Early Years provision
  • Practitioners, including newly qualified teachers new to the Early Years Foundation Stage
  • Transitions into and out of Year
  • Teaching and learning approaches in the Early Years
  • Developing the environment, both indoors and outdoors
  • Developing parental partnerships
  • Curriculum matters in the EYFS – focused training on any of the 7 areas of learning examples include, outdoor fun, getting physical, pre reading and writing skills, phonics, maths, storytelling, continuous provision, schema and language rich environments.
  • Meeting the needs of children with SEND in EY example include completing an EHC needs assessment request, leading an annual review, introduction to interventions, the role of one-to-one support, understanding ADHD, and the Graduated Response.
  • Understanding SEMH needs and how to support in Early years
  • Developing the role of adults in early years
  • Utilising relevant data to inform pupil progress in Early Years Foundation Stage
  • Governors in developing their Early Years understanding
  • Supportive reviews to identify needs and plan improvements
  • Observation, assessment and planning in the Early Years
  • Coaching Leaders, Teachers and Practitioners in the Early Years Foundation Stage
  • Supporting moderation of
  • Support in monitoring quality of teaching
  • Ensuring Year 1 provision meets the needs of children not achieving GLD
  • Implementing individual SEND support, including supporting with EHCP request for assessment, training for children: working with identified needs.
  • Bespoke SEND training based around the needs of your Year R cohort
  • An Early Years SEND review
  • Support to SENDCos/teachers/TAs to meet the needs of children with EHCPs
  • Support and training to TAs and one to one support workers
  • Introducing SEND interventions and strategies.


These are just some examples of the types of training the team can offer.  We have an extensive library of training resources we can draw from.  Bespoke training sessions can be tailored to the exact needs of your setting, staff and cohort.

Description of support for Southampton Academies and non-Southampton schools Price
6 days of 6.5 hours support package £2,520
Superior package £1,584
6 days of 3 hours support package £1,280
Quality and Curriculum Package £1,280
Enhanced package £1,280
SEND package £1,044
Standard package £900
Peoples package £780
Data and Assessment Package £720
Ad hoc support visit, per half day 3 hour sessions £225
Ad hoc support visit, per hour £100
Bespoke In-House Training Delivered at the school £150 per hour per trainer
Travel to out of city schools will be charged TBC

Service contact and performance review

The initial contact

Sally Griggs
Southampton City Council
Startpoint Sholing, Wood Close, Southampton, SO19 0SG

Tel: 023 8091 5797

If you have any comments, compliments, or complaints about the service you receive please contact:
Darrin Hunter, Early Years’ Service Manager.
Tel: 023 8083 2112