Last updated: 05-06-2024. From web page: SEND Mainstream Funding Cluster Model.

SEND Mainstream Funding Cluster Model Communication: May 2024 update

Coproduction period

Updates on Coproduction period

In March 2024 we began the wider coproduction period for the proposed Special Education Needs and Disability (SEND) Mainstream Funding Cluster Model.

Southampton City Council are proposing moving Higher Needs SEND funding to a Cluster Model for Mainstream School settings within the area. This is model of Higher Needs SEND funding that has been adopted by several local authorities.

Following recent contribution to the coproduction period we are proposing a new timeline. This would include an extended coproduction period, to allow for all stakeholders to continue to contribute towards this process.

It would also include a term where the Cluster model is trialled. During this period the Cluster model will run but without funding attached. We feel this trial period would have the following benefits:

  • This would allow for professionals who would be part of the process to receive training on the Cluster Model from the Locality Leads and other professionals supporting the meeting.
  • It would allow colleagues to access some of the benefits of the approach, including the peer solution focused discussions and input from the Locality Leads and supportive professionals on difficult cases.
  • It would allow for colleagues to trial the referral system. This could also lead to further training on this approach or refinement for process. This would also support the Cluster to consider the criteria of cases to be discussed
  • It would allow colleagues in attendance of Cluster meetings to become familiar with the logistics of the meetings, such as accessing the venue, timings etc.
  • It will start to develop the relationships with the colleagues in the Cluster meetings.
  • Further coproduction opportunities

The trial term would support with understanding whether stakeholders in the city would like to proceed with this proposed approach

Below would be the updated timeline of the coproduction period:

Term Main Area of Activities
Summer term 2023-2024 Academic Year - City-wide coproduction period (please see details of events within the communication)
- Continuation of the Task and Finish group (please see details of activities within the communication)
- Continued City-wide coproduction period (dates of new events TBC)
Autumn term 2024-2025 Academic Year - Continuation of the Task and Finish group (please see details of activities within the communication)
- Recruitment of Locality Leads to support the coproduction period
Spring term 2024-2024 Academic Year - Continued City-wide coproduction period (dates of new events TBC)
- Cluster model Trial (detailed above)
- Final decision on next steps of proposal

Through continued liaison with other Local Authorities who have adapted a similar approach, we have considered further methods to ensure that decisions are fair and equitable in the Cluster meetings. This would include anonymising cases and schools in referrals that go to the Cluster to support impartiality. We also propose that there will be 2 Educational Psychologist attached to each Cluster who will support the professionals in the meeting, particularly with problem solving advice around early intervention.

Thank you for all stakeholders who have contributed to the coproduction period to date. Your input is valuable in ensuring that this proposal meets the needs of the city. Please also see details of updated coproduction events within this communication.

Coproduction events

Summer term 2023-2024 Academic Year

Please find below proposed coproduction events and activities for the Summer term of the 2023-2024 Academic Year. We will continue to develop opportunities as we move into the next academic year.

There will be opportunities for all stakeholders in the city to take part in this.

We apologise that we needed to postpone the online professional event that was scheduled for Monday 20th May. This clashed with an All Heads and Governors meeting which was moved due to the recent Ofsted Inspection. The new date for this will be Monday 10th June 15.30-16.30 and the link for the meeting can be found in the table below. A reminder that this is open to any education professional and governor.

We are also looking to hold a Professionals event with specific information and coproduction to this group. We are also looking for this to be an opportunity to hear from SENCo/Inclusion Leads from other Local Authorities who have adapted a similar approach. Details of this event are yet to be confirmed but we will update once this event has been organised.

Below is the current list of proposed timeline and key activities as part of coproduction:

Date / Time Activity Online/In Person Venue/Meeting Link
10th June 2024 – 15.30 - 16.30 Online Coproduction Forum – Educational Professionals Online 10th June – Online Coproduction Forum – Education Professionals
24th June 2024 – 15.30 - 16.30 Online Coproduction Forum – Educational Professionals Online June - Online Coproduction Forum - Educational Professionals
TBC Parent/Carer Forum Event In Person TBC
TBC Online Coproduction Forum – Parent/Carer Online Invites to be sent
TBC Schools Forum TBC TBC

Coproduction Communication and Task and Finish Group

Coproduction Communication

To support communication and transparency as part of the coproduction period, a designated email address has been established –

This email can be used by any stakeholder to support the coproduction period by asking questions or providing suggestions or feedback.

In addition, a updates webpage has been formed on the Local Offer. This is available for all stakeholders in the city to access. This webpage will be used to share monthly communications, details of coproduction events and to share any documentation linked to the process. The link to the webpage is below:

SEND Mainstream Funding Cluster Model

Task and Finish Group

The Task and Finish Group will continue with a focus on specific aspects of the Cluster Model and continues to be open for any educational professionals. For the Summer term we would like the activity of the Task and Finish group to focus on three distinct areas

  • The Referral process – including Profile of Need and Provision Map documents
  • Cluster purpose and guidance
  • Communication to wider stakeholders

The Task and Finish group will be separated into three groups to focus on each of these areas, with colleagues choosing areas of interest to them. Each group will be supported by management from the SEND team support the coordination of each group. The dates of the next Task and Finish Group meetings will be determined on the availability of colleagues within each group.

The Task and Finish Groups remain open to any professional in the city. If there are any professionals who would like to be part of the Task and Finish groups, please contact the team on the designated email address (

Outline of Cluster Funding Process


This section provides an outline of the Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Mainstream Funding Cluster Model.


Proposed Cluster groups have been formed. These have been determined on geographic location, size of settings and an aspiration to include a mix of setting phases.

Proposed Cluster groups:

Cluster 1

Total student number – 4,456

  • Redbridge Community School
  • Oasis Academy Lord's Hill
  • Mansel Park Primary School
  • Holy Family Catholic Primary School
  • Redbridge Primary School
  • Newlands Primary School
  • Mason Moor Primary School
  • Fairisle Infant & Nursey School
  • Fairisle Junior School
  • Sinclair Primary And Nursey School

Cluster 2

Total student number – 4,154

  • Regents Park Community College
  • Tanners Brook Primary School
  • Springhill Catholic Primary School
  • Banister Primary School
  • Freemantle CE Community Academy
  • St John's Primary and Nursery School
  • Bevois Town Primary School
  • Maytree Nursery & Infants School
  • Mount Pleasant Junior School

Cluster 3

Total student number – 4,945

  • Upper Shirley High School
  • St Mark's Church of England School
  • Shirley Infant School
  • Shirley Junior School
  • Shirley Warren Primary and Nursery School
  • Hollybrook Infant School
  • Hollybrook Junior School
  • Wordsworth Primary School  
  • Oakwood Primary School
  • Foundry Lane Primary School

Cluster 4

Total student number – 4,397

  • Cantell School
  • St George Catholic College
  • Bassett Green Primary School 
  • Swaythling Primary School
  • Mansbridge Primary School
  • St Mary's C of E (VC) Primary School
  • Hope Community School
  • Highfield CE Primary School
  • St Denys Primary School
  • Portswood Primary School

Cluster 5

Total student number – 5,645

  • Bitterne Park School
  • St Anne's Catholic School
  • Townhill Infant School
  • Townhill Junior School
  • Moorlands Primary School
  • Bitterne Manor Primary School
  • Beechwood Junior School
  • Glenfield Infant School
  • Bitterne Park Primary School

Cluster 6

Total student number – 4,342

  • Woodlands Community College
  • Oasis Academy Sholing
  • Harefield Primary School
  • Kanes Hill Primary School
  • Hightown Primary School
  • Thornhill Primary School
  • Sholing Junior School
  • Sholing Infant School
  • Bitterne CE Primary School

Cluster 7

Total student number – 4,780

  • Weston Secondary School
  • Oasis Academy Mayfield
  • St Patrick's Catholic Primary School
  • Weston Park Primary School
  • Woolston Infant School
  • Weston Shore Infant School
  • Valentine Primary School
  • St Monica Primary School
  • Ludlow Infant Academy
  • Ludlow Junior School

Roles and Responsibilities

Role Outline Responsibility
Nominated Lead SENCo (one per Cluster) Within each Cluster, one SENCo will be nominated as the Lead SENCo for one academic year. They will chair the meetings, lead conversations and discussion on cases and coordinate with the Locality Lead on final decisions within their cluster.
Nominated Headteacher (one per Cluster) Within each Cluster, one Headteacher will be nominated as the Nominated Headteacher for the Cluster. They will attend the City-Wide Meetings to support with the strategic oversight of the funding, quality assurance and allocation of Contingency Funding.
Locality Lead (x2) The Locality Leads will provide support to all Clusters through attendance at Area Cluster Meetings, Quality Assurance Visits to Settings and attendance at City Cluster Meetings. They will provide guidance and support to all members of the Clusters, including supporting the Nominated Lead SENCo with final decisions within their cluster.
Admin Support Assigned Admin Support staff to coordinate meetings, collate and distribute referrals and reviews, and support with record and data

Structure of meetings

Meeting Frequency and Length Attendees Purpose of meeting
Locality Cluster Meetings Once per half Term – ½ day - Nominated Lead SENCo
- SENCo/Inclusion representative from each school within the Cluster
- Locality Lead (x1)
- SEND Case Officer
- Educational Psychologist
- Admin Support
- Any other relevant professional from the schools within the Cluster
- Peer mentoring and solution focused discussions
- Allocation of Cluster Funding for referrals based on either individual pupils or wider project-based work
- Allocation of Cluster Funding for new EHCPs in line with Section F of the plan
- Relevant reviews of funding cases
- Relevant promotion of services and professionals and practitioners
City Cluster Meetings Once a Term – ½ day - Locality Leads (x2)
- Nominated Headteachers
- Representatives from Southampton City Council SEND Team (Head of Service SEND)
- Principal Educational Psychologist
- Strategic overview of Cluster work
- Quality Assurance of funding approach
- Funding monitoring
- Allocation of Contingency funding

Total Cluster Funding

The total funding which will be allocated for the cluster funding approach will be based upon the current spend for Higher Needs Funding plus a proposed additional amount to account for the projected increase. This will be reviewed on an annual basis.

The Total Annual Funding allocated to each Cluster will then be based on the characteristics of the setting in each cluster. There are several potential options for this which will be explored as part of the coproduction period.

Each cluster will receive a percentage of this funding for the academic year to be allocated within the Locality Cluster Meeting (see funding requests sections below). The remaining percentage will form the Contingency Fund.

The Contingency Fund can be accessed for any unforeseen circumstances through discussion with Locality Leads, such as pupils moving in from outside of the area.

Funding Requests

Requests for funding from the Cluster at Locality Cluster Meetings can be made on either for either Individual Pupil Need or for Wider Project Based Work.

For a request for funding for an Individual Pupil Need, a referral will be submitted to the Cluster in advance of the Locality Cluster Meeting for consideration. This referral will include:

  • An Individual Pupil Need Referral Form
  • A Costed Provision Map (using the local area Costed Provision Document)
  • A Profile of Need Document
  • Any other relevant supporting documents

A review of the allocated funding will need to be made within at least one year of allocation. Review dates will be established within the Locality Cluster Meeting upon allocation of funding and using the assigned review paperwork.

For request for funding for Project-Based Work, a referral will be submitted to the Cluster in advance of the Area Cluster Meeting for consideration. This referral will include:

  • Project-Based Work Referral Form
  • A Costed Provision Map (using the local area Costed Provision Document)
  • Any other relevant supporting documents

Requests for funding from the Cluster at City Cluster Meetings can be made on for Contingency Funding Cases.

For request for funding for Contingency Funding Cases, a referral will be submitted to the Cluster in advance of the Area Cluster Meeting for consideration. This referral will include:

  • Contingency Funding Referral Form
  • A Costed Provision Map (using the local area Costed Provision Document)
  • A Profile of Need Document
  • Any other relevant supporting documents

Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCPs)

The process for application and issuing of Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCPs) will continue in the same process that exists within the Southampton City Council area.

Application of funding for new EHCPs will be allocated within Locality Cluster Meetings. This will be determined by aligning provision in Section F of the EHCP with the Costed Provision Map document used for determining individual pupil need. No further documentation is required at this stage due to the evidence that would have been submitted at part of the EHCP application process.

Any request for changes of funding for an EHCP will also be considering by local authority and approved cases will be referred to the Locality Cluster Meeting.

All EHCPs in place before the start of the 2024-2025 academic year will not be affected by the change in approach and the funding model currently deployed will continue.   

Quality Assurance

To support with quality assurance of provision and allocation of funding, the following means will be deployed for all settings part of the Cluster Funding Model:

  • Inclusive Education Audit: A self-reflection tool for Education Settings to use to support with developing action plans in relation to Inclusive Education. Funding for support for implementation of the Auditing Toolkit and Action Plans relating to Inclusive Practice has been secured through the Delivering Better Value (DBV) programme for SEND.
  • Locality Leads: Locality Leads will complete quality assurance visits for settings to provide ongoing support and guidance for identified pupils who have been allocated funding through the cluster process or to support the development of project-based work.
  • City Cluster Meetings: Termly City Cluster meetings will have the opportunity to quality assure and monitor all funding approaches across the city. They will be able to identify city wide trends and use this to support the strategic approach to the funding model.

Next Steps

Steps to support the coproduction period

In addition to outlined coproduction events, the following next steps have been identified to support the coproduction period:

  • Further communication and coproduction with the parent/carer forum.
  • Continued monthly communication update will be provided to update all stakeholders on progress of the coproduction and any new activities or developments.
  • A Frequently Asked Questions document will be compiled and made available for stakeholders on the webpage.
  • Development of documents and processes to support the referral systems of the process.

We hope this Mainstream SEND Funding Cluster Model update is of use to you and thank you for your support.

Completed by

Kirsty Relton - Strategic Service Lead SEND 

Ashley Raynor – Service Lead SEND

Daniel Beck – Inclusion Audit Manager