Last updated: 01-12-2023. From web page: Speech & Language School Assistants (SALSA).

SALSA Outreach Language Intervention Team – Service Specification 2024 - 2025 (Maintained Schools)



The Language Intervention Team (SALSA Outreach) has been working in Southampton City Schools for over 20 years. We currently work with schools to identify and support children and young people with speech language and communication needs. Our service is consistently rated as excellent by the schools we support. We have close links with NHS SLT colleagues.

Did you know:

  • Speech, Language and Communication needs continue to be the primary need identified for pupils with SEN support
    (Special Educational Needs in England, Academic Report 2021-2022)

  • 1 in 14 children have Developmental Language Disorder (DLD) affecting their social and emotional well-being as well as success at school and work. DLD is a hidden disability. It affects people around the world no matter the language spoken.
    ( 2022)

    This means that in every class there are 2-3 children who have Speech, Language and Communication Needs (SLCN) and will have require additional support to achieve their full potential.

  • 1.7 million children in the UK are struggling with talking and understanding words
  • As many as 50% of children in some areas of social disadvantage start school without the language they need for learning.
  • In areas of social disadvantage children and young people are more than twice as likely to have SLCN (this study found that the likelihood of being identified as having SLCN is 2.3 times greater for children eligible for free school meals and living in areas of deprivation).
    (Speech and Language UK 2022)
  1. The Language Intervention Team (SALSA Outreach) consists of experienced and specifically trained Speech & Language Schools Assistants (SALSAs) employed by Southampton City Council in the Education and Learning Team who are supervised by a Specialist Speech & Language Therapist (SALT). The SALT is seconded from Solent NHS Trust to work within the Local Authority.
  2. The SALSA Outreach team offers screening/assessment, interventions and staff training to maximise the progress of children with speech, language and communication needs (SLCN), and to support schools in drawing out the full potential of their students’ abilities.
  3. We recognise the growing need to support core educational concerns including behaviour and literacy, and have developed our services to acknowledge the impact of SLCN within the classroom. Programmes and interventions specifically target language for learning, helping to bridge the gap between verbal and written skills.

Service options

The Language Intervention Team (SALSA Outreach) delivers purchased services as follows:

  1. Purchased Services
    1. Our service works with schools to support any children who have been identified as having speech language and communication needs. These children may be on SEN support.
    2. Services can be purchased by individual schools, or by clusters of schools. Purchased time includes direct work in the school, planning and preparation time, liaison with parents, staff and other agencies, record completion and related administration and travel time.
    3. In order to meet the Speech, Language and Communication Needs (SLCN) of pupils, schools may purchase a number of half/whole days for delivering speech and language interventions.
    4. All interventions are based on current best practice in the field of Speech and Language Therapy and are known to be effective in accelerating the progress of identified children who have SLCN.
    5. Interventions offered include the SALSA working with children who have a speech and language difficulties. These children may also be known to the local NHS Speech and Language Therapy Service, and in such cases SALSA intervention will be carried out under the guidance of the NHS Therapist.
    6. All intervention packages include supervision of the SALSA by the Specialist Speech and Language Therapist.
    7. The service options are designed to provide a comprehensive and effective model of service delivery. Should you have a specific requirement that is not covered in the options listed below, please contact the Language Intervention Team to discuss this.
    8. When pupils are not available to participate due to school closures, including adverse weather conditions, exams and INSET days, pre-arranged sessions will be counted unless the school give SALSA notice of need to change.
    9. If a school is not allowing external visitors due to a pandemic, sessions can be delivered virtually.
  2. If SALSA is not able to visit the school due to pandemic and need to self-isolate, sessions can be delivered virtually as long as SALSA is well.
    1. SALSA Outreach – Purchased Service Options
      Weekly whole day SALSA package (33 per financial year/11 per term)
      Weekly half-day SALSA package (33 per financial year/11 per term)
      Fortnightly half-day SALSA package (18 per financial year/6 per term)
      Ad-hoc SALSA sessions resource base / workshops – annual subscription
      Bespoke training (on request)

Descriptions of packages/service options

Weekly whole day SALSA package (33 per financial year/11 per term)

    • 33 whole days, on a weekly basis
    • Additional time to provide planning, materials and supporting information
    • Annual subscription to Resource Base workshops is included for two members of staff
  • Recommended for schools that have a high number of pupils with a range of SLCN
  • This package enables a highly flexible approach to support SLCN within schools
  • Recommended for enabling SALSA and school staff to identify and support pupils who may need speech, language and communication intervention following the COVID-19 pandemic and missed schooling
  • Named SALSA allocated to school
  • SALSA provides assessment/screening of pupils SLCN needs
  • Advice and written programmes provided with relevant therapy resources
  • Pupil’s progress is reviewed and monitored regularly
  • SALSA will carry out interventions including both individual and group work
  • Regular liaison with school staff and informal training provided as required
  • Termly plan of input will be provided in liaison with the Senco
  • Yearly summary of work carried out will be provided

In addition, two members of school staff are able to attend practical, themed and certificated training through our Resource Base workshops. These enable staff to continue their professional development and to support pupils to use the ‘SALSA skills’ they acquire within the classroom environment on a regular, daily basis.

This model allows the SALSA to develop a complete appreciation of both the pupils’ and school’s needs, and enables the school to be supported in its widest context.

Weekly half-day SALSA package (33 per financial year/11 per term)

    • 33 morning or afternoon visits to the school, (3 hours/session)
    • Additional time to provide planning, materials and supporting information

  • Recommended where schools have many pupils with a range of SLCN
  • Recommended for enabling SALSA and school staff to identify and support pupils who may need speech, language and communication intervention following the COVID-19 pandemic and missed schooling
  • Named SALSA allocated to school
  • SALSA provides informal assessments/screening of pupils SLCN needs
  • Advice and written programmes provided with relevant therapy resources
  • Pupil’s progress is reviewed and monitored regularly
  • SALSA will carry out interventions including both individual and group work
  • Regular liaison with school staff and informal training provided as required
  • Termly plan of input will be provided in liaison with the Senco
  • Yearly summary of work carried out will be provided

Fortnightly half-day SALSA package (18 per financial year/6 per term)

    • 18 morning or afternoon visits to the school (3 hours/session)
    • Additional time to provide planning, materials and supporting information
  • Recommended for schools that have a designated member(s) of staff who are able to carry out the targeted programmes and activities recommended by the SALSA
  • Named SALSA allocated to school
  • SALSA provides informal assessments/screening of pupils SLCN needs
  • Advice and written programmes provided with relevant therapy resources
  • Pupil’s progress is reviewed and monitored regularly
  • Regular liaison with school staff and informal training provided as required
  • Termly plan of input will be provided in liaison with the Senco
  • Yearly summary of work carried out will be provided

Resource Base/Workshops – Annual Subscription

Resource base has been successfully running in Southampton City Schools for a number of years. It is highly recommended for schools with staff who carry out speech, language and communication programmes set by SALSAs or NHS Speech and Language Therapists. Resource base provides on-going staff training opportunities in the area of SLCN. Participants also get the chance to meet and learn from colleagues from other schools in the area.

“Resource base is extremely useful and covers all areas we struggle with in school. It is also a great opportunity to share ideas with staff from other schools” - Portswood Primary 2016

Sessions are held at Startpoint Sholing (east of city) and Redbridge Primary (west of city).

Included in the annual subscription:

  • 6 x 2 hour workshops (one each half-term)
  • Two members of staff can attend per school (recommended for learning support staff who carry out SLT programmes within schools)
  • A member of senior management is invited to join staff for one session to support staff in transferring the knowledge and skills acquired
  • The SALSA-led training sessions cover a range of topics designed to support schools work with pupils with SLCN
  • Training sessions include presentations, discussions, hands-on practical demonstrations of strategies and resources.

Resource Base workshops are advertised termly.

Schools that are buying in a weekly or fortnightly package will be offered Resource Base at a discounted price.

Bespoke Training (on request)

Please contact the Language Intervention Team (details below) if you would like to discuss bespoke training.


Weekly Whole Day SALSA Package

(33 per financial year/11 per term) – £8800

Resource base included.

Weekly Half-Day SALSA Package

(33 per financial year/11 per term) – £5280

Package with Resource base at discounted price (optional extra) – £5550

Fortnightly Half-Day SALSA Package

(18 per financial year/6 per term) – £2880

Package with Resource base at discounted price (optional extra) – £3150

Ad-Hoc SALSA Day Rate

Whole day visit including administration – £535

Ad-Hoc SALSA Half-day Rate

Half-day visit including administration – £320

Resource Base/Workshops

If buying in a weekly whole day package – Free

If buying in one of the half-day packages – £270

Standalone Annual Subscription – £535

Bespoke Training (Two SALSAs)

£225 (per hour)

Schools purchase the SALSA service via the Service Level Agreement.

Additional SALSA time can also be arranged throughout the year (see SALSA Service Additional work form)

  1. Terms and Conditions

    When a school signs the SLA they are agreeing to pay for the service for 1 year. Previous financial agreements are not valid. If after signing the SLA agreement a school would like to cancel the service part-way through the year, written notice of one term is required by the head teacher. The school must pay for sessions completed.

Service contacts and performance review

The contact for the service is:

Helen O’Donovan
Language Intervention Team
Start Point Sholing
Wood Close
SO19 0SG
Tel: 023 8036 3309
Email: helen.o'

  1. The SALSA will meet with school staff at least once annually to formally review the activities
    undertaken, children seen and the progress of those children against agreed targets.
    Schools are regularly asked for their feedback and the service is improved/developed based
    on responses received
  2. Supervision and CPD
    All charges for SALSA time include the supervision and input, as required, of the Specialist
    Speech and Language Therapist (SLT). SALSAs receive regular clinical training and individual
    clinical and professional supervision from the Specialist SLT. They are able to access
    additional joint assessments and second opinions from the Specialist SLT at their request.
    SALSAs attend professional development courses in relation to specific areas of interest as
    appropriate, and access continuous peer supervision.
  3. In the event of a staff member reporting in sick, we shall endeavor to cover or rearrange
    the visit.
  4. Any queries, concerns or complaints about the overall operation of the Service should be
    addressed to:
    Helen O’Donovan
    Lead SALSA
    Language Intervention Team
    Start Point Sholing
    Wood Close
    SO19 0SG
    Tel: 023 8036 3309
    Email: helen.o'