Display screen equipment

Under the Display Screen Equipment Regulations 1992 we have a duty to ensure that users receive appropriate information and training on the hazards and use of work equipment, and ensure that the equipment and environment we provide is suitable for purpose.

Working with Display Screen Equipment (DSE) is an activity that is carried out by the majority of employees. The health risks associated with working with DSE are:

  • Working upper limb disorders (WULDs)
  • Repetitive strain injuries
  • Eye strain
  • Fatigue/stress

The DSE Assessment Process


Must complete DSE training, often available via the schools e-learning training provider.

They must also complete a DSE Assessment within a month of starting work. This assessment is completed by the DSE user themselves, answering the questions on the form accordingly.

Once completed, they should forward a copy of their DSE Assessment to their Line Manager and arrange a time for them to sit with their manager to go through the form and discuss any issues identified.

Head Teachers

Must ensure their staff complete their DSE training and a DSE Assessment.

They must ensure they sit with the DSE User to discuss the outcome of the DSE Assessment.

This discussion is to discuss and agree how any issues will be managed. The Head Teacher must update the form with any agreed actions, including who is responsible for completing each action and a timescale for its completion.

A review date must be entered on the form to ensure the progress of actions is monitored. It is suggested this review date is formalised by means of a meeting arranged via Outlook.

Once all actions are completed the form should be updated accordingly, dated and signed by the DSE User and the Head Teacher and a copy uploaded to the employee’s personnel file for future reference.

If no issues are identified, the form should be updated accordingly, dated and signed by the DSE User and Head Teacher and uploaded to the employee’s personnel file.

Where the Head Teacher is unable to resolve all issues, they may request a further DSE Assessment to be carried out by a DSE Assessor.

DSE Assessors

These are employees who have volunteered to undertake the necessary training towards providing additional DSE support to management. Training can be arranged via the Council’s L&D department.

Through their training DSE Assessors have a better knowledge and understanding of DSE related issues and how they might be managed.

Schools who are signed up to the Enhanced SLA can receive up to 5 DSE Assessment per year carried out by a qualified Health and Safety professional. Please contact the Corporate Health and Safety Service (CHSS) to arrange.

The DSE Assessor will carry out a further assessment using the same DSE Assessment form as used previously but completed with greater knowledge and understanding.

The assessment will include a review of the DSE User’s posture, chair and desk set up, work activity and workstation environment.

They will discuss issues raised at the time of the assessment and options as to how these might be managed with the DSE User at the time of the assessment, updating the DSE Assessment with their comments and recommended actions.

The outcome of the DSE Assessors assessment must be discussed with the Head Teacher who must ensure they take the appropriate steps to ensure all actions are completed as required.

A review date must be entered on the form to ensure the progress of actions is monitored. It is suggested this review date is formalised by means of a meeting arranged via Outlook.

Once all actions are completed, the form should be updated accordingly, dated and signed by the DSE User, the DSE Assessor and the Head Teacher and a copy filed in the employee’s personnel file for future reference.

Responsibility for DSE Actions

Ultimate responsibility for the health and safety of employee’s rests with the Head Teacher. However, some actions can be delegated to employees to resolve, providing the appropriate funding and support is provided. For example, actions which can easily be resolved by the DSE User themselves such as ensuring they have an eye-sight test, contacting IT Services for standard equipment or guidance/advise on IT equipment or software.

Similarly, actions which involve small amounts of funding, such as ordering non-standard IT equipment from IT Services, or ancillary equipment such as footrests, document holders, keyboard or wrist rests etc. from stationery suppliers might also be delegated to the DSE User.

Actions assigned to the DSE User should have a reasonably short timescale for completion and Head Teachers must provide the necessary support such as; guidance on how to submit a request to IT Services, or how to order ancillary equipment from stationery suppliers and where to find information on how to obtain a free eye test etc.

Actions which cannot easily be completed by the DSE User must be assigned to the Head Teacher. For example, where a new chair might be required, or a desk might need to be raised etc.

The Head Teacher must ensure they make the appropriate arrangements for these to happen as soon as possible, including sourcing and funding of all equipment.

Further DSE Support

Where issues remain outstanding and the Head Teacher is unable to resolve them, they may request further support from the Corporate Health and Safety Service (CHSS), which may be chargeable if the school is not subscribed to the Enhanced SLA.

In some circumstances, CHSS may not be able to resolve all issues, in which case they may recommend further guidance or support is sought from a specialist DSE provider, such as Posturite.

In certain cases, where an employee has specific needs, it may be appropriate to seek guidance from HR regarding additional support via Access to Work.


DSE Assessments should be completed by DSE Users annually

DSE e-learning should be completed every 2 or 3 years.

Safe Working Procedure for DSE

For further information please see Safe Working Procedure for DSE.


Where working from home is a regular occurrence, a ‘Flexible Homeworking’ Risk Assessment should be completed.

For further clarification please see Using DSE out of the office.

Further information for Managers and Employees on working from home can also be found via the links to HSE guidance below:


Advice and guidance

Headset Cleaning Guidance

The following guidance is provided for Jabra headsets, which are commonly issued by SCC IT services. However the guidance can be applied to most headsets.

Cleaning should be carried out if the headsets are visibly dirty or periodically to maintain good hygiene.

Keep your product clean by following these best practices for hygiene.

  • Apply normal dish soap and water to a cloth, making sure you wring out excess liquid, so the cloth is not dripping wet
  • Use soap and water only – do not use strong cleaning agents
  • Gently wipe the product, making sure there is not a layer of suds on the surface
  • Let it rest for at least one minute
  • Rinse the surface by wiping it with a slightly damp cloth using water only
  • Let it dry
  • When the product is not in use, keep it clean by avoiding contact with dirty surfaces
  • Dock it in the base, or store it in the protective case/pouch, if the product came with one of these options
Document Type Size
Display Screen Equipment Guidancedoc511.5 KB
Safe Working Procedure Display Screen Equipment (DSE)pdf262.5 KB
Risk Assessment Display Screen Equipmentdocx1.1 MB