If a school is oversubscribed (it has more applicants than spaces available), then each applicant is ranked according to the school’s oversubscription criteria that is published in their admissions policy. Places are then offered according to that ranked list.
If a child is eligible for a place at more than one school through this process, they are offered the highest preference eligible. The lower preference space is given to the next eligible applicant.
Please note that the oversubscription criteria for a school are the only factors which can be legally considered when ranking applications and allocating school places. Matters of childcare arrangements, transport arrangements and other social considerations cannot be given consideration. This ensures that the process remains objective.
When processing applications, all preferences are treated as equal applications for the chosen schools. All preferences are considered together in line with the oversubscription criteria of the school, rather than processing first preferences first before moving onto second and so on.
Where more than one school can be offered, the Local Authority makes the offer to the school with the highest preference rank for which they were eligible.