Catchment areas

To find a school within Southampton (SO14-SO19), enter the postcode or street name (minimum six characters) into the box below. For schools outside the city boundary, you will need to visit the relevant local authority's website, such as Hampshire or Eastleigh Borough Council.

Catchment schools

Some addresses in Southampton do not have a catchment school. In these cases, the catchment area search below will show you the five nearest schools.

If the selected address is within a catchment area, the catchment school will have a green tick next to it.

To learn more about your catchment area, you can also consult our maps of the whole city:

Note: no secondary school located in Southampton has a catchment area. 

In the event of any dispute about catchment area boundaries, the definitive map is the sole authoritative source. For more information, read our designated catchment areas statement.

Linked infant and junior/primary schools

Linked schools are the designated catchment primary or junior schools for each infant school.

Infant school Linked junior/primary schools
Fairisle Infant and Nursery Fairisle Junior
Glenfield Infant Beechwood Junior
Hollybrook Infant Hollybrook Junior
Ludlow Infant Ludlow Junior
Maytree Nursery and Infant Mount Pleasant Junior
Shirley Infant Shirley Junior
Sholing Infant Sholing Junior
Townhill Infant Townhill Junior
Weston Shore Infant Weston Park Primary
Woolston Infant Ludlow Junior

There is no guarantee of a place at a junior school if your child attends the linked school, but it is a priority used in the admissions policies when allocating places as a result of oversubscription.

If you need any further help, please contact the school admissions team, who hold the definitive map of catchment areas at the Civic Centre.