Our website will be unavailable for up to hour from 10am on Tuesday 18 March due to essential maintenance. We apologise for any inconvenience this causes.
Below is a searchable list of services. Clicking on an item in the list will tell you what information you need to complete the payment and give you a link to the relevant payment form.
IMPORTANT: Southampton City Council has implemented 3D Secure for its payment services. Your card must be registered for 3D Secure for the payment to be successful. This can be completed via your issuing bank's online banking system.
Adult social care residential and non-residential care
Use this online form to pay a residential or non-residential care invoice.
Before you make an adult social care residential or non-residential care payment
You won't be able to save this form to complete later, so please allow yourself a couple of minutes to fill in the form.
* We now accept Apple Pay and Google Pay. This is providing you have signed up to those methods and are making payment through one of the provider's recognised browsers. Please note: for Apple Pay customers, your wallet will show Heycentric Ltd but your Bank Account will always show Southampton City Council.
Use this online form to pay for your allotment rental fee. To apply for an allotment visit our allotment pages.
Before you make an allotment payment
You won't be able to save this form to complete later, so please allow yourself a couple of minutes to fill in the form.
You will need:
A payment card, Apple Pay or Google Pay*
Reference number – found at the top of your invoice, it should be TA followed by six digits
* We now accept Apple Pay and Google Pay. This is providing you have signed up to those methods and are making payment through one of the provider's recognised browsers. Please note: for Apple Pay customers, your wallet will show Heycentric Ltd but your Bank Account will always show Southampton City Council.
Southampton archives offer a range of professional services and expertise which can be paid for online using this form. You can use this form to pay for a service, make a donation or both.
Before you make an archives payment
You won't be able to save this form to complete later, so please allow yourself a couple of minutes to fill in the form.
You will need to have to hand:
A payment card, Apple Pay or Google Pay*
Your reference number – if you are paying for a service
* We now accept Apple Pay and Google Pay. This is providing you have signed up to those methods and are making payment through one of the provider's recognised browsers. Please note: for Apple Pay customers, your wallet will show Heycentric Ltd but your Bank Account will always show Southampton City Council.
Animal welfare charge
This includes payments for lost and found dogs and licenses for:
Home boarding (dog sitting)
Animal boarding
Dog breeding
Riding establishments
Performing animals
Pet shops
Dangerous wild animals
Before you make an animal welfare payment
You won't be able to save this form to complete later, so please allow yourself a couple of minutes to fill in the form.
* We now accept Apple Pay and Google Pay. This is providing you have signed up to those methods and are making payment through one of the provider's recognised browsers. Please note: for Apple Pay customers, your wallet will show Heycentric Ltd but your Bank Account will always show Southampton City Council.
Blue Badge (Disabled Person's Parking Badge)
Use this online form to pay for a Blue Badge.
Once payment has been received your badge will be sent for printing and then sent directly to the address provided in your application.
Please note: It can take up to two weeks for you to receive your badge.
Before you make a Blue Badge payment
You won't be able to save this form to complete later, so please allow yourself a couple of minutes to fill in the form.
* We now accept Apple Pay and Google Pay. This is providing you have signed up to those methods and are making payment through one of the provider's recognised browsers. Please note: for Apple Pay customers, your wallet will show Heycentric Ltd but your Bank Account will always show Southampton City Council.
Building control
This includes payments for archived applications, exempt applications and solicitor documents. Please note: If you have an invoice then please use the 'Invoice' option below.
Before you make a building control payment
You won't be able to save this form to complete later, so please allow yourself a couple of minutes to fill in the form.
* We now accept Apple Pay and Google Pay. This is providing you have signed up to those methods and are making payment through one of the provider's recognised browsers. Please note: for Apple Pay customers, your wallet will show Heycentric Ltd but your Bank Account will always show Southampton City Council.
Bulky waste collection
Use this online form to book and pay for a bulky waste collection. To view more information and charges, check our bulky waste pages.
Before you fill in this bulky waste form
You won't be able to save this form to complete later, so please allow yourself a couple of minutes to fill in the form. You will also need the following documents and details, so make sure you have them to hand.
* We now accept Apple Pay and Google Pay. This is providing you have signed up to those methods and are making payment through one of the provider's recognised browsers. Please note: for Apple Pay customers, your wallet will show Heycentric Ltd but your Bank Account will always show Southampton City Council.
Business Rates
Use this online form to pay a Business Rates invoice or a Business Rates BID invoice.
Before you make a business rates payment
You won't be able to save this form to complete later, so please allow yourself a couple of minutes to fill in the form.
Your payment will normally appear on your business rates account within two days.
A payment card, Apple Pay or Google Pay*
Reference number – you can find this at the top of your invoice
* We now accept Apple Pay and Google Pay. This is providing you have signed up to those methods and are making payment through one of the provider's recognised browsers. Please note: for Apple Pay customers, your wallet will show Heycentric Ltd but your Bank Account will always show Southampton City Council.
Bus lane enforcement penalty charge
Use this online form to pay your parking fine.
Before you pay for a bus lane penalty charge
You won't be able to save this form to complete later, so please allow yourself a couple of minutes to fill in the form.
* We now accept Apple Pay and Google Pay. This is providing you have signed up to those methods and are making payment through one of the provider's recognised browsers. Please note: for Apple Pay customers, your wallet will show Heycentric Ltd but your Bank Account will always show Southampton City Council.
Commercial waste
If you're an existing commercial waste customer you can use our online form to pay your invoice.
Before you make a commercial waste payment
You won't be able to save this form to complete later, so please allow yourself a couple of minutes to fill in the form.
* We now accept Apple Pay and Google Pay. This is providing you have signed up to those methods and are making payment through one of the provider's recognised browsers. Please note: for Apple Pay customers, your wallet will show Heycentric Ltd but your Bank Account will always show Southampton City Council.
Community Infrastructure Levy
Use this online form to pay an invoice for a Community Infrastructure Levy. The Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) is a tool for local authorities to help deliver infrastructure to support development as set out under The Planning Act 2008 and The Community Infrastructure Levy Regulations 2010 (as amended).
Before you pay for a Community Infrastructure Levy
You won't be able to save this form to complete later, so please allow yourself a couple of minutes to fill in the form.
You will need:
A payment card, Apple Pay or Google Pay*
Invoice number (which can be found on the Demand Notice or invoice you should have received)
* We now accept Apple Pay and Google Pay. This is providing you have signed up to those methods and are making payment through one of the provider's recognised browsers. Please note: for Apple Pay customers, your wallet will show Heycentric Ltd but your Bank Account will always show Southampton City Council.
Council Tax
Use this online form to make a Council Tax payment. You will need to be registered with us first before you can set up payment. If you haven’t done so yet, you can register for Council Tax.
Did you know you can also create an online Council Tax account? View bills, balances and previous payments at any time by setting up an online account.
Before you make a Council Tax payment
You won't be able to save this form to complete later, so please allow yourself a couple of minutes to fill in the form.
* We now accept Apple Pay and Google Pay. This is providing you have signed up to those methods and are making payment through one of the provider's recognised browsers. Please note: for Apple Pay customers, your wallet will show Heycentric Ltd but your Bank Account will always show Southampton City Council.
Domestic waste offence
Use this online form to pay a fine relating to a domestic waste offence.
Before you pay for a domestic waste offence
You won't be able to save this form to complete later, so please allow yourself a couple of minutes to fill in the form.
* We now accept Apple Pay and Google Pay. This is providing you have signed up to those methods and are making payment through one of the provider's recognised browsers. Please note: for Apple Pay customers, your wallet will show Heycentric Ltd but your Bank Account will always show Southampton City Council.
Donate to a cultural venue
You can use this online form to make a donation to Southampton City Art Gallery, Tudor House or the SeaCity Museum.
Before you make a cultural venue donation
You won't be able to save this form to complete later, so please allow yourself a couple of minutes to fill in the form.
* We now accept Apple Pay and Google Pay. This is providing you have signed up to those methods and are making payment through one of the provider's recognised browsers. Please note: for Apple Pay customers, your wallet will show Heycentric Ltd but your Bank Account will always show Southampton City Council.
Fly tipping fixed penalty notice
Use this online form to pay your fly tipping fine.
Before you pay a fly tipping penalty
You won’t be able to save this form to complete later, so please allow yourself five minutes to fill in this form.
You will need:
A payment card, Apple Pay or Google Pay*
Reference number – this can be found on the letter you received
* We now accept Apple Pay and Google Pay. This is providing you have signed up to those methods and are making payment through one of the provider's recognised browsers. Please note: for Apple Pay customers, your wallet will show Heycentric Ltd but your Bank Account will always show Southampton City Council.
* We now accept Apple Pay and Google Pay. This is providing you have signed up to those methods and are making payment through one of the provider's recognised browsers. Please note: for Apple Pay customers, your wallet will show Heycentric Ltd but your Bank Account will always show Southampton City Council.
Use this online form to pay for a highway licence or a highway search.
Before you make a highways payment
You won't be able to save this form to complete later, so please allow yourself a couple of minutes to fill in the form.
You will need:
A payment card, Apple Pay or Google Pay*
Reference number – you can find this at the top of your invoice
* We now accept Apple Pay and Google Pay. This is providing you have signed up to those methods and are making payment through one of the provider's recognised browsers. Please note: for Apple Pay customers, your wallet will show Heycentric Ltd but your Bank Account will always show Southampton City Council.
HMO Stage 2 payments
Use this online form to make a HMO Stage 2 payment.
Before you make a HMO Stage 2 payment
You won't be able to save this form to complete later, so please allow yourself a couple of minutes to fill in the form.
* We now accept Apple Pay and Google Pay. This is providing you have signed up to those methods and are making payment through one of the provider's recognised browsers. Please note: for Apple Pay customers, your wallet will show Heycentric Ltd but your Bank Account will always show Southampton City Council.
Housing Benefit overpayment
Use this online form to pay back a housing benefit overpayment.
Before you pay a housing benefit overpayment
You won't be able to save this form to complete later, so please allow yourself a couple of minutes to fill in the form.
Confirmation of your payment and a transaction reference number will be given and a receipt can be emailed to you if you need one.
* We now accept Apple Pay and Google Pay. This is providing you have signed up to those methods and are making payment through one of the provider's recognised browsers. Please note: for Apple Pay customers, your wallet will show Heycentric Ltd but your Bank Account will always show Southampton City Council.
Housing charges
You can pay for the following using our online payment form:
Housing rent (for all account types)
Service charges (leaseholders)
Shared ownership rent
Repair charge invoice
Major works invoice
Garage or parking space rental fee
This form is for 8 digit payment reference numbers beginning with either a 14/15/16/17/18 or 19.
Before you pay a housing charge
You won't be able to save this form to complete later, so please allow yourself a couple of minutes to fill in the form.
* We now accept Apple Pay and Google Pay. This is providing you have signed up to those methods and are making payment through one of the provider's recognised browsers. Please note: for Apple Pay customers, your wallet will show Heycentric Ltd but your Bank Account will always show Southampton City Council.
Housing – pay a housing civil penalty notice
Use this online form to pay a housing civil penalty relating to a housing offence.
Before you pay a housing civil penalty notice
You won't be able to save this form to complete later, so please allow yourself a couple of minutes to fill in the form.
* We now accept Apple Pay and Google Pay. This is providing you have signed up to those methods and are making payment through one of the provider's recognised browsers. Please note: for Apple Pay customers, your wallet will show Heycentric Ltd but your Bank Account will always show Southampton City Council.
Use this online form to pay an invoice.
Before you make an invoice payment
You won't be able to save this form to complete later, so please allow yourself a couple of minutes to fill in the form.
You will need:
A payment card, Apple Pay or Google Pay*
Invoice number which can be found at the top right or bottom right of the invoice
* We now accept Apple Pay and Google Pay. This is providing you have signed up to those methods and are making payment through one of the provider's recognised browsers. Please note: for Apple Pay customers, your wallet will show Heycentric Ltd but your Bank Account will always show Southampton City Council.
Itchen Bridge – Add funds to your account
Use this online form to quickly top up your Itchen Bridge account.
Before you add funds to your SmartCities account
You won't be able to save this form to complete later, so please allow yourself a couple of minutes to fill in the form.
You will need:
A payment card, Apple Pay or Google Pay*
Smartcard Reference Number, which is your 10 digit account number on the back of your SmartCities card
* We now accept Apple Pay and Google Pay. This is providing you have signed up to those methods and are making payment through one of the provider's recognised browsers. Please note: for Apple Pay customers, your wallet will show Heycentric Ltd but your Bank Account will always show Southampton City Council.
Itchen Bridge – Pay for a charge
Use this online form to pay for an invoice you received in the post because you were unable to pay the toll when crossing the Itchen Bridge.
Before you pay an Itchen Bridge charge
You won't be able to save this form to complete later, so please allow yourself a couple of minutes to fill in the form.
You will need:
A payment card, Apple Pay or Google Pay*
Reference number – you can find this at the top of your invoice
* We now accept Apple Pay and Google Pay. This is providing you have signed up to those methods and are making payment through one of the provider's recognised browsers. Please note: for Apple Pay customers, your wallet will show Heycentric Ltd but your Bank Account will always show Southampton City Council.
Itchen Bridge – View your account details and top up
Use this online form to view and top up your Itchen Bridge account.
Before you top up your account
You won't be able to save this form to complete later, so please allow yourself a couple of minutes to fill in the form.
* We now accept Apple Pay and Google Pay. This is providing you have signed up to those methods and are making payment through one of the provider's recognised browsers. Please note: for Apple Pay customers, your wallet will show Heycentric Ltd but your Bank Account will always show Southampton City Council.
Use this online form to pay the Licensing Act 2003 Annual fee or the Licensing Act 2003 Late Night Levy for your premises.
Before you make a licensing payment
You won't be able to save this form to complete later, so please allow yourself a couple of minutes to fill in the form.
* We now accept Apple Pay and Google Pay. This is providing you have signed up to those methods and are making payment through one of the provider's recognised browsers. Please note: for Apple Pay customers, your wallet will show Heycentric Ltd but your Bank Account will always show Southampton City Council.
Local Land Charges
Use this online form to pay any Local Land Charge search and copy document fees.
Before you make a Local Land Charge payment
You won't be able to save this form to complete later, so please allow yourself a couple of minutes to fill in the form.
* We now accept Apple Pay and Google Pay. This is providing you have signed up to those methods and are making payment through one of the provider's recognised browsers. Please note: for Apple Pay customers, your wallet will show Heycentric Ltd but your Bank Account will always show Southampton City Council.
Lost SmartCities card
Use this online form to pay for a lost SmartCities Itchen Bridge payment card.
Before you pay for a replacement SmartCities card
You won't be able to save this form to complete later, so please allow yourself a couple of minutes to fill in the form.
Please note refunds for this amount cannot be given. Your card will be posted and should be received within 10 days.
* We now accept Apple Pay and Google Pay. This is providing you have signed up to those methods and are making payment through one of the provider's recognised browsers. Please note: for Apple Pay customers, your wallet will show Heycentric Ltd but your Bank Account will always show Southampton City Council.
Music services
This includes payments for music parental contributions, insurance income and tour/ trip income, peripatetic lessons, Trinity and ABRSM exam entries, ensemble membership payment and instrument hire.
Before you make a music services payment
You won't be able to save this form to complete later, so please allow yourself a couple of minutes to fill in the form.
* We now accept Apple Pay and Google Pay. This is providing you have signed up to those methods and are making payment through one of the provider's recognised browsers. Please note: for Apple Pay customers, your wallet will show Heycentric Ltd but your Bank Account will always show Southampton City Council.
Parking fine/Penalty Charge Notice (PCN)
Use this form to pay your parking fine.
Before you make a PCN payment
You won't be able to save this form to complete later, so please allow yourself up to five minutes to fill in the form.
* We now accept Apple Pay and Google Pay. This is providing you have signed up to those methods and are making payment through one of the provider's recognised browsers. Please note: for Apple Pay customers, your wallet will show Heycentric Ltd but your Bank Account will always show Southampton City Council.
Parking permits – New residents' parking permit
Before you apply and pay for your permit, please read the guidance on our parking permit pages.
Before you fill in this form for a residents' parking permit
You won't be able to save this form to complete later, so please allow yourself 5-10 minutes to fill in the form.
You will need to provide the following documents, if you’re unsure on what type of proofs to provide, find out more about the types of documents we accept.
Proof of vehicle ownership
Proof of residence
A payment card, Apple Pay or Google Pay*
A printer - you can carry on without a printer but you will need one to print the temporary permit
If you are not the registered keeper of the vehicle because it belongs to an employer, parent, business, or partner for example, you will also need to provide a letter of authorisation from the keeper or company. More information in our frequently asked questions below
* We now accept Apple Pay and Google Pay. This is providing you have signed up to those methods and are making payment through one of the provider's recognised browsers. Please note: for Apple Pay customers, your wallet will show Heycentric Ltd but your Bank Account will always show Southampton City Council.
Before you fill in this parking permit renewal form
You won't be able to save this form to complete later, so please allow yourself five minutes to fill in the form.
You will need to provide the following documents, if you’re unsure on what type of proofs to provide, find out more about the types of documents we accept.
Proof of vehicle ownership
Permit number
A payment card, Apple Pay or Google Pay*
A printer - you can carry on without a printer but you will need one to print the temporary permit
If you are not the registered keeper of the vehicle because it belongs to an employer, parent, business, or partner for example, you will also need to provide a letter of authorisation from the keeper or company. More information in our frequently asked questions below
* We now accept Apple Pay and Google Pay. This is providing you have signed up to those methods and are making payment through one of the provider's recognised browsers. Please note: for Apple Pay customers, your wallet will show Heycentric Ltd but your Bank Account will always show Southampton City Council.
Parking permits – Visitor permits
View the types of visitor permits available and associated charges on our visitor parking permit page.
Before you fill in this visitor permit form
You won't be able to save this form to complete later, so please allow yourself 5-10 minutes to fill in the form.
You will need to provide the following documents, if you’re unsure on what type of proofs to provide, find out more about the types of documents we accept.
* We now accept Apple Pay and Google Pay. This is providing you have signed up to those methods and are making payment through one of the provider's recognised browsers. Please note: for Apple Pay customers, your wallet will show Heycentric Ltd but your Bank Account will always show Southampton City Council.
Pension signing fee
This form is to pay the pension signing fee ahead of, or during, your appointment.
Before you pay a pension signing fee
You won't be able to save this form to complete later, so please allow yourself a couple of minutes to fill in the form.
* We now accept Apple Pay and Google Pay. This is providing you have signed up to those methods and are making payment through one of the provider's recognised browsers. Please note: for Apple Pay customers, your wallet will show Heycentric Ltd but your Bank Account will always show Southampton City Council.
Planning applications
You can pay for the following using our online payment form:
Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)
Planning applications
Pre-planning applications
Discharge of planning obligation fees
Section 106 viability appraisal fees
Section 106 planning obligations
Solent Disturbance Mitigation Project (SDMP)
Ordinary watercourse consents
Before you make a planning service payment
You won't be able to save this form to complete later, so please allow yourself a couple of minutes to fill in the form.
* We now accept Apple Pay and Google Pay. This is providing you have signed up to those methods and are making payment through one of the provider's recognised browsers. Please note: for Apple Pay customers, your wallet will show Heycentric Ltd but your Bank Account will always show Southampton City Council.
Port Health PHILIS payment
Use this online form make a PHILIS payment.
Before you make a payment
You won't be able to save this form to complete later, so please allow yourself a couple of minutes to fill in the form.
* We now accept Apple Pay and Google Pay. This is providing you have signed up to those methods and are making payment through one of the provider's recognised browsers. Please note: for Apple Pay customers, your wallet will show Heycentric Ltd but your Bank Account will always show Southampton City Council.
Schools non-attendance penalty notice
Use this online form to pay a schools non-attendance penalty notice.
Before you pay a non-attendance penalty
You won't be able to save this form to complete later, so please allow yourself a couple of minutes to fill in the form.
* We now accept Apple Pay and Google Pay. This is providing you have signed up to those methods and are making payment through one of the provider's recognised browsers. Please note: for Apple Pay customers, your wallet will show Heycentric Ltd but your Bank Account will always show Southampton City Council.
Use this online form to pay a StartPoint bill.
Before you pay a StartPoint bill (Sholing Nursey)
You won't be able to save this form to complete later, so please allow yourself a couple of minutes to fill in the form.
* We now accept Apple Pay and Google Pay. This is providing you have signed up to those methods and are making payment through one of the provider's recognised browsers. Please note: for Apple Pay customers, your wallet will show Heycentric Ltd but your Bank Account will always show Southampton City Council.
Street works notice
Use this online form to pay for a street works notice.
Before you make a street works payment
You won't be able to save this form to complete later, so please allow yourself a couple of minutes to fill in the form.
* We now accept Apple Pay and Google Pay. This is providing you have signed up to those methods and are making payment through one of the provider's recognised browsers. Please note: for Apple Pay customers, your wallet will show Heycentric Ltd but your Bank Account will always show Southampton City Council.
Workforce development training course
Workforce development training courses are specifically designed for people working with children, young people, their parents, carers and families. Use this online form to pay your invoice.
Before you make a workforce development training payment
You won't be able to save this form to complete later, so please allow yourself a couple of minutes to fill in the form.
* We now accept Apple Pay and Google Pay. This is providing you have signed up to those methods and are making payment through one of the provider's recognised browsers. Please note: for Apple Pay customers, your wallet will show Heycentric Ltd but your Bank Account will always show Southampton City Council.
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