Top up or view your Itchen Bridge account
Please be aware
Beware of scams that request you to make a SmartCities card payment. We will never send you a notification to advise you that your card is due to expire, or request that you click a link to make a payment as all card renewals are always free.
SmartCities card holders will receive a low balance warning message at the bridge when there are eight or fewer crossings left on your SmartCities card. Use the 'Quick top-up' option to quickly add money to your account.
IMPORTANT: Itchen Bridge quick top-ups must be made as a single payment. Please do not add other payments such as Council Tax. Your card must be registered for 3D Secure for the payment to be successful.
Before you add funds to your SmartCities account
You won't be able to save this form to complete later, so please allow yourself a couple of minutes to fill in the form.
You will need:
A payment card, Apple Pay or Google Pay*
Smartcard Reference Number, which is your 10 digit account number on the back of your SmartCities card
* We now accept Apple Pay and Google Pay. This is providing you have signed up to those methods and are making payment through one of the provider's recognised browsers. Please note: for Apple Pay customers, your wallet will show Heycentric Ltd but your Bank Account will always show Southampton City Council.
You can also log into your SmartCities card account to view your balance, crossings and top-up.
View your account details and top-up
Contactless payment
Contactless payments are now accepted on the Itchen Bridge.
There is one card reader in place on each booth that will take both the contactless and SmartCities Card payments.
The upgrade means that a small number of older SmartCities Cards will need replacing. If you are one of these card holders we will have sent you an email and a text message already with instructions to contact us so that we can send you a new card.
If you haven’t received this message and your SmartCities Card did not work then we may have out of date contact information for you. If your card does not work please use our form, we will send you a new card in the post:
Before you fill in this form
You won't be able to save this form to complete later, so please allow yourself at least five minutes to fill in the form.
You will need to supply:
Account number (10 digits – at back of card)
Date of birth
If you are awaiting a new card, please press the help button and let the plaza staff know.
We are aware that this transition has caused some issues while it beds in and we get to replacing older cards. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.
You can also top up your account using the following:
- Gateway online payments (Monday to Friday 9.30am to 4.30pm)
- By telephone: 023 8083 3008, opening hours:
- Monday: 8.30am to 5pm
- Tuesday: 8.30am to 5pm
- Wednesday: 9am to 5pm
- Thursday: 8.30am to 5pm
- Friday: 8.30am to 4.30pm
- Closed bank holidays
Funds should reach your account in 15 minutes, but we would advise you to allow longer in case of busier periods.
Having trouble logging in? Read through our downloadable troubleshooting guide for help with accessing your Itchen Bridge account details
For further assistance please contact us.