Housing delivery

New housing is needed in the city to provide adequate accommodation for our growing population. The delivery of new housing is monitored to ensure we are meeting this need and to see how we are performing against the Government’s housing targets for Southampton. However, it is important to recognise that some factors related to housing delivery are outside of the Council's control and that numerous stakeholders are involved in facilitating the delivery of housing from developers to infrastructure providers, and landowners to other public bodies.

To monitor national housing delivery performance, the Government undertakes an annual Housing Delivery Test. The test records how many new homes have been delivered within each local authority over a rolling three-year period and compares this to the local authority’s housing target for that same period. If the delivery of homes falls below 95% of target, then the following consequences apply:

  • Delivery is between 85% and 95% of target – the Council must prepare an Action Plan setting out clear actions to increase housing delivery
  • Delivery is between 75% and 85% of target – the Council must apply a 20% buffer to its five-year housing land supply as well as prepare an Action Plan
  • Delivery is below 75% of target – the Council must apply the presumption in favour of sustainable development when considering new housing developments as well as apply a 20% buffer to its five-year housing land supply and prepare an Action Plan

Find out more about the Housing Delivery Test in the Government's Planning Practice Guidance.

The Housing Delivery Test results are published annually by the Government and cover the three previous monitoring years. Each monitoring year runs from 1st April to 30th March. The latest Housing Delivery Test, the 2022 Measurement, was published by the Government in December 2023, and covers the 2019-20, 2020-21 and 2021-22 monitoring years. The results of this and previous Housing Delivery Tests, along with the supporting rule book, can be found on the Government’s website.

In this latest set of results, Southampton recorded housing delivery at 75% of target. This is the first time since the Housing Delivery Test was introduced that delivery in Southampton has fallen below 100%. There are a number of potential reasons for this including:

  • The impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic
  • Challenges around development viability in the city
  • The need for new developments to demonstrate nutrient neutrality
  • Changes in Southampton’s housing target which has significantly increased in recent years whilst the supply of available housing land has not kept pace

With this result the Council is now required to apply a 20% buffer to its five year housing land supply. Find out more about the consequences of this and details of the council's current five year housing land supply position.

The council has also published an Action Plan as required by Government. It explores in more detail the reasons why housing delivery has fallen below the target and sets out actions to try and remedy this.

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Housing Delivery Test Action Plan For 2022 Measurementpdf883.1 KB