Last updated: 01-04-2024. From web page: BC Documents.

Southampton & Eastleigh Building Control Partnership – Building Control fees for new dwellings – Applicable from 1 April 2025

New dwellings


The charges for building regulation work are required to cover the cost of providing the service.

There are two methods of establishing the charge for building works:

  • Standard charges.
  • Individually determined charges

Standard charges

The following table details the standard charge for up to five new dwellings.

These standard charges have been set by the authority on the basis that the building work does not consist of, or include, innovative or high-risk construction techniques and the duration of the building work from commencement to completion does not exceed 12 months.

The charges have been set on the basis the design and building work is undertaken by a person or company that is competent to carry out the relevant design and building work referred to in the standard charge’s tables. If they are not, work may incur supplementary charges.

Individual determination of a charge

Charges are individually determined for larger and / or more complex schemes including:

  • Work consisting of the erection of more than 5 dwellings or
  • Work consisting of the erection of dwelling where the floor area of a dwelling exceeds 300m²

If your building work is defined as requiring an individual assessment of a charge you should contact the following:

Application types

The relevant charge will depend on the type of application deposited.

Full Plans Applications – where detailed drawings are being deposited the plan charge plus VAT will be payable. The inspection charge will be invoiced after the first site inspection.

Building Notice Applications – this is an alterative option to submitting a Full Plans application. If you are making this type of application the full Building Notice Charge plus VAT must be made at plan deposit stage.

Regularisation Applications – work carried out without permission attracts a charge equal to 140% of the corresponding Building Notice Net Charge. VAT is not applicable to this type of application.

Payment details

When submitting via online payment may be made after submission, on receipt of a payment link, sent via email. Invoices may also be paid online; details of payment methods are listed on the invoice.


Where a refund is considered appropriate a deduction will be made for administration and costs incurred. A minimum deduction of £52.49 (includes VAT) will be made.

Reduction in plan charges

Repetitive work may attract a reduction of 25% of the published charges

Exemption from charges

Works provided for the sole purpose of providing access, accommodation or facilities for disabled persons relating to dwellings and public buildings do not require an application charge

Further Information

Table A - Standard charges for the creation of new housing

VAT is calculated at a rate of 20% (VAT is not payable on a Regularisation Charge)

Number of dwellings Full Plans Applications and Associated Charges Building Notice Application
Plan Charge (payment with application) £ Full Plans Inspection Charge (invoiced after commencement)  £  Building Notice Charge (payment with application) £
Net Total inc VAT Net Total Inc VAT Net Total inc VAT
1 240.72 288.86 641.92 770.30 882.64 1059.17
2 296.83 356.20 890.95 1069.14 1187.78 1425.34
3 348.48 418.18 1046.30 1255.56 1394.78 1673.74
4 399.98 479.98 1200.81 1440.97 1600.00 1920.95
5 451.48 541.78 1356.17 1627.40 1807.65 2169.18

Note – for six or more dwellings or if the floor area of a dwelling exceeds 300m² the charge is individually assessed.

Contact us

For further advice or assistance please contact the building control office:

Southampton Building Control Office

Submitting your Application: Applications must be deposited electronically using our on-line
submission system: