Minutes of the allotment site and association rep meeting
- Date
- Present Open Spaces
- Present Site Reps
- Apologies
- Welcome, Introductions & Apologies
- Minutes of 21st October 2021– (Outstanding Items)
- Update Site Reps
- Amendment to Rules
- Allotment Rent and Supplements November 2024
- Emergency Fund
- Review of Keeping Livestock
- Bonfires
- Date of Next Meeting
Thursday 12th October 2023
Present Open Spaces
Nick Yeats (NY), Sue Ashdown (SA), and Lorraine Buchan (LB)
Present Site Reps
Roger Wyeth (Aldermoor), Eddie Hallett (Bitterne East), Richard Waller (Borrowdale Rd) Lee Carter (Brickfield Rd), Mavis Miell (Hollybrook) Derek Clark (Paignton Rd), Julia Blincoe (Langhorn Rd), Terry Munday (Oakley Rd South), Margaret Flegg (Rownhams Rd), Dave Stephens (Sydney House), Doug Dennis (Swaythling), Madge Heath, (Vinery Gardens),
Len Lacey (Weston), and John Payne (Witts Hill).
Geoff Ambrose (Oakley Road North), Martin Cherry (Bangor Rd), Andy Pond (Bitterne West), Barbara Nixon (Radcliffe Rd), James Shetler (Weston) Sonia Blandford (SAGA)
Welcome, Introductions & Apologies
- Nick welcomed everyone to the meeting. The two new Site Reps Lee Carter and Doug Dennis were introduced. SA read out apologies.
Minutes of 21st October 2021– (Outstanding Items)
- The outstanding items from the minutes of the last meeting were read out. However, actions not completed have been carried forward.
- Site reps to be supplied with a list of helpers if/when the new database allows. Action: SA/LB
- Site reps will be supplied with a list of plot holders who have paid a sprinkler licence late December. This will be updated as more licences are requested and paid for during the rent year. Action: SA/LB
- Due to amendments to the rules the purpose of an allotment is now covered in the cultivation section and therefore a separate leaflet will no longer be required.
- A guidance sheet on what expenses can be claimed will be sent to all site reps. The minutes were agreed. Action: SA/LB
Update Site Reps
- Nick explained that the Council have serious financial difficulties and therefore have stopped all spending on orders over £50 unless essential. All requests have to be requested by Thursday to be authorised the following Monday by the Cost Control panel. This may delay work required on the allotments.
- Nick also informed site reps that there had been several cases where plot holders that have been unhappy about being evicted have taken their case to Corporate Complaints and the ombudsman. This is very time consuming for staff and even though the repossessions have been upheld there have been recommendations by the ombudsman on policy.
- Therefore, there is now a policy in place for excluding plot holders from site that have been evicted for serious offences such as theft or violence.
- Also, one eviction was taken to the National allotment Society and we have been informed that plot holders are covered by the torts act. Therefore, if a plot holder is evicted the belongings still left on the plot may be sold and the money raised less expenses given to the evicted plot holder. John Payne raised concern about the amount it costs to clear the plots of rubbish following eviction but unfortunately to claim this back through legal channels would be too costly to implement.
- Nick also explained that we had lost revenue due to not being able to let out plots for several months due to database issues. A new database has been purchased and we hope that this will be live in spring 2024 to replace our existing database.
Amendment to Rules
- The site reps were sent a copy of the proposed amendments to the rules prior to the meeting. T1 to T7 Lorraine clarified the amendments and explained further on T2 that when a plot is given up and a plot holder has an interest in securing an item from the plot this must be requested in writing to the allotment officer by the plot holder or site rep on their behalf. Items can only be removed from the plot if written permission is given. It was also explained that the section of T2 which stated ‘When a plot is given up the plot and all items on it reverts to the ownership of the Council’ would be removed and the implementation of the Torts ‘Interference with Goods’ Act 1977 which had been raised as a result of a repossession.
- T8 The same rule will apply to keys and codes and if either of these are given to a person who is not a plot holder or named helper it will be immediate termination.
- The warnings were discussed as to whether a plot holder should have their plot repossessed if they have had 3 warnings for different offences, but it was decided that it should be based on common sense on the severity of the offences,
- The rules now incorporate a new cultivation section which Lorraine explained each rule from C1 to C11. It includes some of the rules already in place in the guidance section and many new ones. The purpose of this section is to set out exactly what is expected from plot holders so that there is no uncertainty and will help the allotment officers in enforcing cultivation.
- New plot holders are sent a copy of the rules with their reservation letters and invoices. The rules are sent to all plot holders with their annual rent invoices. The rules are relevant to all plot holders not just new ones. Major changes to the cultivation requirements are that 25% of the plot must be cultivated within 3 months and 50% within 6 months. The minimum requirement is that 60% of the plot must be cultivated. There are new rules for area of lawns, size restrictions on ponds and as long as the area under fruit trees is maintained this will be classed as cultivation. There is also new rules and guidance for plot holders that have long term health issues.
- The maximum permitted size of sheds will now be 6 foot by 8 foot.
- Sprinklers, a proposed change to a £20 fine instead of a £10 admin fee was discussed and agreed. It was noted that Geoff Ambrose (not present) had suggested that it should be at minimum of £25 fine. It was also discussed that there is no need for a sprinkler/irrigation to be on an allotment if it’s not being used. As such if a sprinkler/irrigation is spotted on a plot in a location which is not evidence of use, a letter would be sent to the plot holder asking for it to be removed from site by the next site visit. If it’s not removed an invoice for the charge and fine will be sent. If the sprinkler/irrigation is connected to a hose and/or in a position whereby its highly likely that it has been used, then an invoice for the charge and fine will be sent.
Allotment Rent and Supplements November 2024
- Plot holders were informed with last years invoices that the rent will be £7.50 per rod from 1st November 2023. Nick informed the site reps that the rent for 1st November 2024 to 31st October 2025 would be set at £8.50 per rod. The service aims to break even each year.
Emergency Fund
- The emergency fund will remain at £3 per plot holder.
Review of Keeping Livestock
- The current rule W7 No new applications to keep livestock will be allowed from 1st November 2018 will continue. There have been no neglect cases from plot holders keeping chickens and ducks recently. However, there was theft of approx. 70 birds from several plot holder on Witts Hill allotments this year which were believed to be killed. Also, chicken structures were cut on Hollybrook allotments, and the chickens let out. Fortunately, quick action by a plot holder that adjoins the site who noticed this certainly prevented the death of these.
- After discussion with the reps the seasonal ban on bonfires will be from 1st May to 1st September. This allows more time at the start of the season for plot holders, especially new ones to be able to burn dried out rubbish cleared from their plots ready for the season. However, in the months bonfires are allowed plot holders must still use common sense and only burn rubbish on a suitable day that does not cause a nuisance to residents or other plot holders. Rule W20 will be amended. Site reps were concerned that residents adjoining allotment sites are allowed to have bonfires all year round which is out of the allotment departments control However, if their bonfires are smoky, on sunny days or causing a nuisance, plot holders are encouraged to contact Environmental Health to report the nuisance.
Date of Next Meeting
- September 2024 – Date to be confirmed in July 2024
Distribution: As per attendance plus Dave Tyrie (Head of City Services)