Volunteering at the Hawthorns
We are looking to recruit volunteers to help us run The Hawthorns Urban Wildlife Centre.
You do not have to be a wildlife expert, just have a keen interest in the natural environment, a willingness to learn about how and why the garden is managed for nature and the ability to communicate with visitors to the Centre.
There are lots of opportunities to get involved including;
- Helping keep the Centre open at weekends by talking to visitors and helping them get more out of their visit
- Leading short guided walks around the grounds
- Leading guided walks on Southampton Common
- Helping with or running an activity such as minibeast hunts or environmental games
- Creating or helping with hands-on family friendly themed activities/arts and crafts
- Help to develop displays and other resources
There are also opportunities to help at Forest School type activities or helping to run educational activities for school, youth and young people groups.
Volunteers that help with these groups will be required to complete a DBS application. Please note that Forest Schools take place at sites other than The Common.
How to apply
You can complete the online application form to apply.
The Hawthorns Urban Wildlife Centre is currently closed, although we hope to re-open later in the year.
If you would like to be kept informed of volunteering opportunities at The Centre in the future, please complete the form and we will be in touch:
Unavailable due to essential website maintenance
The majority of our online forms are unavailable from 5.10pm on Wednesday 26 March to 8.30am on Thursday 27 March due to essential maintenance. We apologise for any inconvenience.
Apply to be a Hawthorn volunteer - UNDER REPAIR
We also have a conservation volunteering programme at different locations across the city. If you would like to join the mailing list for the conservation volunteers you can register your interest through this form:
Unavailable due to essential website maintenance
The majority of our online forms are unavailable from 5.10pm on Wednesday 26 March to 8.30am on Thursday 27 March due to essential maintenance. We apologise for any inconvenience.
Conservation volunteer enquiry - UNDER REPAIR
Contact details
- Email hawthorns@southampton.gov.uk
- Telephone 023 8067 1921
Staff are not always available to answer the telephone during the week and not at all at weekends but if you leave a message, we will get back to you as soon as possible.