Events and Festivals Grant

This grant scheme is not currently accepting applications.

About the grant scheme

We offer grants to support event organisers to hold events and festivals with more than 2,500 attendees across the city of Southampton. Grants up to £5,000 are available to support up to 50% of the costs of events and festivals that are accessible to the general public.

Applications are welcome from non-profit organisations such as voluntary and community groups, social enterprises, faith organisations, schools, PTAs, ‘Friends of’ groups, for-profit businesses and sole traders (applications will be considered on a case by case basis).

Priority will be given to residents and organisations/businesses based in the City of Southampton.

Please note, for organisations hosting smaller events, please see our other grants available.

Form and guidelines

Document Type Size
Events And Festivals Grant Application Form 2023-24docx66.2 KB
Events And Festivals Grant Guidelines 2023-24pdf401.4 KB