Southampton schools Clean Air project

Southampton City Council is working with 23 local schools to improve children’s awareness of the impacts of pollution and reduce its impact in and around schools.

School children in front of Clear Air banner

Schools which are most affected by pollution were prioritised. However the project is open to be shared with any school in Southampton interested in taking part. The project started in Term 1 of the 23/24 term.

The project is running for another year until July 2025. Any schools interested should email

The Clean Air project consists of providing schools with an engagement pack, this will provide three lesson plans (one being an outside fieldwork activity in the school grounds), introduction assembly material, traffic count workbook, campaign ideas, action plans, banner competitions and more.

The project gave air quality monitoring sensors or diffusion tubes to the prioritised 20 schools. This led onto creating clean air route maps to school, displayed on a banner to reduce the student’s exposure to air pollution. 

Benefits of the project:

  • Free support and time from the Air quality officer
  • Entry into fun school competitions like banner competitions
  • Clean Air cycle to school books for every primary school involved
  • Links to the national curriculum
  • Improves health and increases attendance rates
  • Links with other schemes and accreditations including Modeshift (My Journey) and Eco Schools

Full engagement packs with lesson materials and student workbooks are now available to download from Southampton Schools Clean Air Project.