May is National Walking Month

We are excited to celebrate this month by encouraging everyone to get up and get walking

A woman walking down the middle of a street holding the hand of a young girl who is using roller skates. Logos for "Living Streets" and "National Walking Month". #MagicOfWalking

Walking is free, flexible and fun, and it is proven to have huge benefits for our health and wellbeing. Did you know that even a brisk 20-minute walk each day can reduce the risk of health conditions like depression, heart disease and type two diabetes?

It is Living Streets’ National Walking month throughout May, so to get you started here are 20 tips to help you fit 20 minutes of walking into your day. If you thinking about where to walk and you are in Southampton, here are some local walking opportunities, or you can check out the free walking and nature connect app, Go Jauntly.

Not forgetting our Green Flag Award winning Central Parks, let us embrace the #MagicOfWalking and celebrate the many health and happiness benefits it brings. For more information see National Walking Month.