Great Oaks School awarded #BeeWell prize for best co-produced improvement plan

School receives £2,000 prize fund to deliver plan

Award ceremony

Last year schools with students aged 12 and over from across Hampshire, Isle of Wight, Portsmouth and Southampton were invited to take part in the #BeeWell youth centred wellbeing programme. Earlier this year, the schools were invited to enter a prize draw by co-producing an improvement plan with students.

Great Oaks School in Southampton linked their wellbeing improvement plan to the ‘friendships and social support, loneliness and physical health elements of the #BeeWell survey. The school focused on physical activities in the classroom, community events, a buddy bench and how to overcome loneliness.

Additionally, the £2,000 prize fund will be used to enable the student council to hold a small budget, helping them to work on their independence, budget and leadership skills.

Grace Kent, Assistant Headteacher for Safeguarding at Great Oaks School said:
"I am delighted the work the students put in to creating the improvement plan has been recognised by #BeeWell. I look forward to seeing the students embrace their ideas, put them into action and learn new skills along the way. It’s such a great way to end the school year!"

Councillor Alex Winning, Cabinet Member for Children and Learning said:
"The students at Great Oaks School have clearly thought carefully about the issues the survey highlighted. Their vision to overcome loneliness is particularly powerful. The buddy bench is a really simple but effective way to help students express when they feel lonely and to support each other. Loneliness is something that impacts many people, young and old, so to see something positive like this is really fantastic."