This is collected fortnightly, on alternate weeks to general waste.
Put your recycling items straight into your bin. Please don't put any plastic carrier bags in the recycling bin.
We take:
- Paper, and cardboard (but not shredded paper, gift wrap, wet or soiled paper, tissues, paper towels or photographs, please remove packing tape from cardboard boxes)
- Magazines, catalogues and junk mail
- Plastic bottles, including cleaning products (plastic bottle tops can be loosely screwed onto their bottle but remove trigger sprays)
- Tins and cans including metal, biscuit, and sweet tins
- Empty aerosol
We cannot take:
- Household waste
- Plastic or polystyrene packaging
- Plastic carrier bags and black sacks
- Tetra Paks
- Food waste
- Textiles and shoes*
- Glass*
Please do not leave recycling in bags or boxes next to your bin, as these will not be collected. Large boxes need to be broken down and placed in the recycling bin. If you regularly have more recycling than will fit in your current bin you can request a larger bin.
If there are wrong items in the bin, we'll put a notice on it to explain and help you get it right next time.
*Textiles and shoes can be reused or recycled via local charity shops or taken to one of the many ‘textile banks’ around the city.
More information on what you can recycle.