Issue details

Northam Road - Grant to Grays Developments Ltd

To consider the report of the Regeneration Manager seeking approval to grant £138,000 to Grays Developments Ltd.  


Grays Developments Ltd has accumulated a substantial property holding in Northam Road and has plans to create a specialised retail area.  The recommended grant of £138,000 will ‘lever in’ approximately £1.38m of additional investment and bring forward the refurbishment of a number of properties in a poor state of repair.  

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: For Determination

Wards affected: Bargate;

Decision due: 19 Jun 2012 by Cabinet Member for Communities & Customer Engagement

Lead member: Cabinet Member for Communities & Customer Engagement

Lead director: Director Economic Development

Department: Communities Portfolio

Contact: John Connelly, Renewal Manager Email: Tel: 023 8083 4402.

Consultation process



Ward Councillors.

Public Comments may be sent to: John Connelly, Regeneration Manager, Civic Centre, Southampton Tel: 023 80834402