Issue details

Disposal of land at 52-54 Seagarth Lane Southampton

To consider a report of the Senior Manager – Property, Procurement and Contract Management seeking To dispose of the rear garden land at 52-54 Seagarth Lane to the neighbouring school Trust at less than Best Consideration (nil consideration).

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Wards affected: Bassett;

Decision due: 21 Aug 2012 by Cabinet

Decision due: 21 Aug 2012 by Cabinet Member for Resources and Leisure

Lead director: John Spiers

Department: Resources and Leisure Portfolio

Contact: Ali Mew Email: Tel: 023 8083 3425.

Consultation process

Briefings, emails and telephone calls.


Relevant Cabinet Members and various officers including Children’s Services and Learning – Assets Team

Public Comments may be sent to: Mrs. Ali Mew, Senior Planning & Development Surveyor, Email, Telephone 023 8083 3425


Agenda items