Issue details

Townhill Park Regeneration Framework: Financial Model and Phase 1 Capital Expenditure

To seek approval of the report of the Cabinet Member for Housing on the Townhill Park Regeneration Framework Financial Model, Delivery Framework and funding for the implementation of Phase 1.  The Townhill Regeneration Framework report approved by Cabinet on 12th March 2012 focused on approval of the principles of the Regeneration Framework and implementation of Phase 1, subject to approval of an affordability assessment to be included in the 16th April Cabinet report.  The focus of this Cabinet report is consideration and approval of the impact on the Housing Revenue Account business plan, General Fund finances, the implications for the Delivery Framework and the funding of capital expenditure for the implementation of Phase 1. 

Decision type: Key

Reason Key: Expenditure > £500,000;

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Wards affected: Bitterne Park; Harefield;

Decision due: 16 Apr 2012 by Cabinet

Lead director: Director Economic Development

Department: Housing Portfolio

Contact: Email: Tel: 023 8083.

Consultation process

Briefing meetings, emails, SCC website, Project Team meetings, public consultation meetings and Neighbourhood Team meetings as part of the Regeneration Framework development process.


Relevant Councillors and Cabinet Members, key officers in SCC and Townhill Park area residents.

Public Comments may be sent to: Sue Jones, Manager Estate Regeneration Projects, email: Prior to Friday 13th April 2011


Agenda items