Issue details

Proposed Residents' Parking Scheme, Holyrood Estate (TRO)

To consider outstanding objectives to the proposal to introduce a Residents’ Parking Scheme in the off-street parking areas within Holyrood Estate, in place of the current system of individually rented spaces.  Cabinet will make a decision as to whether the proposals shall be approved, withdrawn or amended.


As part of the formal legal process for Traffic Regulation Orders, items are brought to Cabinet by the Traffic Management team to decide upon objections raised in response to the Public Notice.

Decision type: Key

Reason Key: Affects more than 1 ward or a significant community;

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Decision due: 16 Apr 2012 by Cabinet

Lead member: Councillor Daniel Fitzhenry, Conservative Group Leader

Lead director: Barbara Thomas

Contact: Barbara Thomas, Traffic Engineer 023 8079 8064 / Email: Email: Tel: 023 8079 8064.

Consultation process

Council departments through circulation of the draft report.  The general public through public advertisement and statutory consultees through circulation of the public notices.


Democratic Services, Legal Services, Finance, Property Services, General Public, Statutory Consultees (held by Legal Services).


Public Comments may be sent to: N/A


Agenda items