Issue details

Oaklands Pre-school

To consider a report of the Cabinet Member for Children’s Services and Learning seeking approval for leasing arrangements for the pre-school.

Under the terms of the existing Short Term Lease, the Oasis Academy: Lord’s Hill will vacate the Oaklands site upon completion of its new buildings (currently scheduled for September 2012). Whilst the Council is exploring options in relation to this site’s long-term use, there is a need to put measures in place to ensure that the onsite pre-school is adequately housed in the short-term. In this respect, it is proposed that the pre-school facilities should be let to the existing provider (Oasis Community Learning) on a rolling programme, at nil rent, in order that this provision can be sustained in its current location.

The current paper will seek Cabinet’s approval for the above-outlined course of action and the necessary delegated authorities to undertake the letting process.

Decision type: Key

Reason Key: Affects more than 1 ward or a significant community;

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Wards affected: Coxford; Redbridge;

Decision due: 16 Apr 2012 by Cabinet

Lead director: Clive Webster

Department: Children's Services and Learning Portfolio

Contact: Email: Tel: 023 8091 7596.

Consultation process

Meetings and emails.


Relevant Cabinet Members and key council officers and stakeholders.

Public Comments may be sent to: Karl Limbert, Southampton City Council, 3rd Floor, Southbrook Rise, 4-8 Millbrook Road East, Southampton, SO15 1YG


Agenda items