Issue details

Future Service Delivery arrangements for Romanse and CCTV

Report of the Senior Manager Streetscene and Community Safety seeking approval to approve a new external provider and award a contract for the Romanse and CCTV Services.  This decision is subject to the decision of Cabinet on the 12th March 2012 and is also subject to an acceptable final tender being received from bidders which offers best value for the City Council.

Decision type: Key

Reason Key: Expenditure > £500,000;

Decision status: Withdrawn

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Decision due: 24 Apr 2012 by Officer Decision Making

Lead member: Cabinet Member for Environment and Transport

Lead director: Interim Director for Environment

Department: Officer Key Decision

Contact: Malcolm Cooper, Directorate Development Manager Email: Tel: 023 8083 2440.

Consultation process

Meetings and circulation of draft report seeking comments by email from relevant officers



Relevant officers within Legal, Finance, Property Services, Unions and Staff

Public Comments may be sent to: Malcolm Cooper, Special Projects Manager, Floor 5 One Guildhall Square -

Slippage/Variations/Reason for Withdrawal: The rescheduling of the Cabinet decision relating to this matter to the April Cabinet meeting removes the requirement for this decision.