Issue details

Digital TV Service Charge

To consider a report of the Head of Decent Homes, seeking approval to introduce and agree the level of service charge to all tenants connected to the communal digital TV system, following the installation of the digital TV upgrade across the city (commencing in June 2010).


The new digital TV system upgrade with the agreement that all tenants would pay for the service through a service charge, was agreed at Cabinet on 22nd December 2008.


The Executive Director of Neighbourhoods as Chief Officer has authority under delegated power number 1.1.8, to set, approve or vary the scale of fees and charges for all services within their Directorate, following consultation with the Cabinet Member and the Solicitor to the Council.



Decision type: Key

Reason Key: Expenditure > £500,000;

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Decision due: 22 Jul 2010 by Officer Decision Making

Lead member: Cabinet Member for Housing and Local Services

Department: Housing Portfolio

Contact: Keith Meredith Email: 023 8083 4481 Email: Tel: 023 8083 4481.

Consultation process





Officers in Legal,Finance, HR and Property

Tenant and Leaseholder Groups/Representatives

Public Comments may be sent to: Keith Meredith 023 8083 4481

Slippage/Variations/Reason for Withdrawal: Slipped from 15/07/10 to 22/07/10 in order to facilitate the changes to the Portfolio structures and to consult with the new Portfolio Cabinet Member.


Agenda items


  • Communal Television System Upgrade in readiness for Digital Switchover - Cabinet 22/12/08