Issue details

Southampton's 2010 Local Area Agreement Refresh

To consider the report of the Leader of the Council seeking approval to the Southampton’s 2010 Local Area Agreement Refresh. 


Southampton's Local Area Agreement (LAA) covering the period 2008/9 to 2010/11 was developed by the City Council in conjunction with other local , regional and national partners to help improve key public services provided to local residents in the city. The Council must ensure that all of the "designated" or nationally agreed targets within the LAA are reviewed on an annual basis and that any proposed changes to these targets are negotiated and agreed with representatives from relevant government departments. The Council has a statutory duty to approve any amended "designated" targets within the LAA on behalf of all local partners to enable them to be submitted to the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government for signature by the end of March.

At the Annual Council meeting in May 2008 members agreed that the approval of any changes to the LAA should be provided by the Executive rather than Full Council.  This report therefore seeks the Cabinet's endorsement of the re-negotiated economic development targets contained within Southampton's LAA to ensure they reflect changes that have occurred at both a national and local level over the past twelve months.

Decision type: Key

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Decision due: 15 Feb 2010 by Cabinet

Lead member: Councillor Alec Samuels

Lead director: Assistant Chief Executive (Strategy)

Department: Leader's Portfolio

Contact: 023 80834428 Email: Tel: 023 8083 4428.

Consultation process

Circulation of draft documents, individual negotiation meetings with partners and government representatives, delivery board and sector partnership meetings, correspondence and website updates.  


Members of the Southampton Partnership Delivery Board (SCPCT, SVS, Hampshire Constabulary, LSC, Business Link, Job Centre Plus), Executive Members, Senior Managers within the Council and other partner organisations, GOSE, SEEDA and representatives from relevant government departments

Public Comments may be sent to: Joy Wilmot-Palmer Assistant Chief Executive (Strategy) Civic Centre Southampton SO14 7YL


Agenda items


  • New Performance Indicators for Local Authorities and Local Authority Partnerships  
  • Negotiating New Local Area Agreements  
  • Southampton's 2007/8-2009/10 and 2008/9-2010/11 Local Area Agreements