Issue details

Approval of the Council's Equality Scheme 2009-12

To consider the report of the Head of Neighbourhood Services, seeking approval for the new Equality Scheme.  Its purpose is to outline the actions the Council will take across all its business functions to help eliminate unlawful discrimination and to promote equality.  The Council’s Equality Policy was last updated in 2005 and is now being refreshed as part of the new Equality Scheme.


Decision type: Key

Reason Key: Affects more than 1 ward or a significant community;

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Decision due: 10 Feb 2010 by Executive Director of Neighbourhoods

Decision due: 10 Feb 2010 by Officer Decision Making

Lead member: Councillor Phil Williams

Lead director:

Contact: Jon Dyer-Slade, Head of City Services 023 8083 2873 Email: Email: Tel: 023 8083 2873.

Consultation process

Reports, consultation meetings, email, letter, drop in events.

12 weeks public consultation on Have Your Say, Newsletter and Bulletins, staff team meetings.


Representative Forums (e.g. Southampton Seniors’ Council and Youth Parliament, Southampton Council of Faiths)

Voluntary and Community Groups/Agencies representing or working with diverse communities, Fire Service, Police, Southampton Primary Care Trust, Hampshire Equality Network, Legal, Finance and Property services in the Council, frontline employees, Unions and Members.

(Full list of consultees at Appendix 3 in the Equality Scheme)


Public Comments may be sent to: Madeleine Cato Equalities and Compliance Manager 023 8083 2391


Agenda items


  • Copy of the proposed new Equality Scheme 2009-12 and the refreshed Equality Policy