ePetition details

Closing the Junction Of Stanton Road to King George’s Avenue

We the undersigned petition the council to Close the junction between Stanton Road and King George’s Avenue. Creating a T junction instead of a 4 way junction.

Firstly, it would reduce the amount of non-essential traffic that is currently using Stanton Road as a race track and a rat run. As an emergency service worker, I am constantly woken by individuals blazing it up Stanton Road from King George’s Avenue. With many taking no regards of the new enforceable 20mph speed limit. Which is a defiant danger to the nearby school and children that live in the local residency. Moreover, there have been numerous times I have witnessed RTCs at the Junction of Stanton Road and King George’s Avenue, both in my professional capacity and whilst off-duty. With most of the factors being that individuals are turning up Stanton Road and heading towards Regents Park Road, often cutting off oncoming vehicles. Further, many times I have been cleaning my vehicle on Stanton Road and these racers have come dangerously close to me on multiple occasions. Again, with 99% going over the 20mph limit.

Additionally, it would benefit the children that attend Tanners Brook Primary School. This is because the young children would no longer be in danger of vehicles travelling from multiple roads, and would allow there to be greater room on the pavements for them to stand freely. Further, the road closure would reduce the amount of vehicles in congestion during school hours and emitting carbon dioxide so close to the children. It would ultimately cause the school to be safer, and would allow the Lollypop lady to assist children easier and without danger.

This ePetition runs from 15/02/2025 to 29/03/2027.

4 people have signed this ePetition.