ePetition details

School Road Safety Measures - Byron Road SO19 6FH

We the undersigned petition the council to Make changes to the road/ traffic outside of Thornhill Primary School at school drop-off and pick-up times.

The continued dangerous, illegal, inconsiderate parking, speeding, and sheer amount of traffic outside the school is ridiculous! I petition for traffic to be stopped/ controlled at drop-off and pick-up times; specifically a stretch of road to be closed. I would be hesitant to suggest ideas such as a lollipop person, parking cones, one way traffic as I feel the dangerous parking and inconsiderate drivers could not be managed with these controls. There are close alternative routes that can be utilised for drivers who do not use the school, so that should overcome that problem.

Successful road closures are already in place outside other schools in the city including, among many others, Valentine Primary, Townhill Junior, Moorlands Primary, Mansbridge Primary.

At present not only does it continue to be unsafe for the children, adults, pushchairs when crossing the roads, people are not even safe on the paths or immediate grassy area as many vehicles are being bumped up and parking on kerbs. Me and my children have come face to face with moving vehicles who have bumped up kerbs in front of us in order to park. Both my children have also had near misses from being knocked down, again because drivers are dangerously driving, parking inappropriately and cannot see small children. Unfortunately I know that my family are not the only ones who have had these scary experiences.
It's disappointing and frustrating to know these drivers, majority parents, are also at the school for the very same reason as everyone else... dropping/ picking children up!
In addition, the many cars that are idling while parked are also causing health hazards to all!

This behaviour shouldn't be allowed and I am very surprised no one has been seriously hurt already, but do feel its only a matter of time!

This ePetition ran from 30/01/2025 to 13/03/2025 and has now finished.

23 people signed this ePetition.