ePetition details

Alexandra Road, Freemantle, safety petition

We the undersigned petition the council to Improve the safety in the mentioned road by adding speed bumps on both ends of the street

In the last few years residents have been witnessing the increase of traffic travelling at high speeds in the road. Since it's a fairly wide street, motorists feel encouraged to travel at such speeds. It's a largely residential street, and commonly used by families on their school runs and other pedestrians walking on their own or with dogs. Many times one can see some drivers almost losing control of their vehicles, including white vans, when they drive over a pothole-like small depression on the road. More recently, this street started to be used for drivers to drag-race their cars and riders their motorbikes, passing over multiple times.

This ePetition ran from 11/09/2022 to 12/07/2024 and has now finished.

Nobody signed this ePetition.