Issue - decisions

Proposals to Expand Three Primary Schools in the City

19/02/2013 - Proposals to Expand Three Primary Schools in the City

(i)  To consider and take into account the outcome of statutory consultation as set out in Appendix 1.

(ii)  To approve the implementation of the enlargement of the following two schools from 1 September 2013 (subject to obtaining the necessary planning consents):

·  The enlargement by 30 places (1FE – form of entry) per year group of Bassett Green Primary School, with implementation from 1 September 2013, beginning with Year R and continuing incrementally until all seven year groups have been expanded.  This would have the effect of enlarging the school from 2FE (60 places per year group) to 3FE (90 places per year group), and increasing the net capacity to 630 by September 1 2018.  Please note that Bassett Green admitted 90 pupils to year R in September 2012 for one year only. This proposal is to expand the school on a permanent basis.

·  The enlargement by 30 places (1FE – form of entry) per year group of Bevois Town Primary School, with implementation from 1 September 2013, beginning with Year R and continuing incrementally until all seven year groups have been expanded.  This would have the effect of enlarging the school from 1FE (30 places per year group) to 2FE (60 places per year group), and increasing the net capacity to 420 by September 1 2018. Please note that Bevois Town admitted 60 pupils to year R in September 2012 for one year only. This proposal is to expand the school on a permanent basis.

(iii)  To approve the implementation of the enlargement of the following school from 1 September 2014 (subject to obtaining the necessary planning consents):

·  The enlargement by 30 places (1FE – form of entry) per year group of St Johns Primary & Nursery School, with implementation from 1 September 2014, beginning with Year R and continuing incrementally until all seven year groups have been expanded.  This would have the effect of enlarging the school from 1FE (30 places per year group) to 2FE (60 places per year group), and increasing the net capacity to 420 by September 1 2020.

(iv)  To add, in accordance with Financial Procedure Rules, a sum of £1.55 million to the Children’s Services Capital programme, from the ring fenced DfE basic need grant.

(v)  Subject to the approval of Council to add £400,000 to the Bassett Green Primary project on the 13th February, to approve, in accordance with Financial Procedure Rules, capital expenditure of £3.65 million in 2013/14 and £1.3 million in 2014/15 from the Children’s Services Capital Programme for the expansions of:

·  Bassett Green Primary £1.4 million

·  Bevois Town Primary £1.45 million

·  St Johns Primary and Nursery £2.1 million

(vi)  To note that assumptions have been made about the likely level of Basic Need Grant to be awarded in future years. If the final award is less than anticipated any shortfall in funding will need to be met from Council resources.