Issue - decisions

Proposed Shared Provision of Internal Audit Services with Hampshire County Council

24/10/2011 - Proposed Shared Provision of Internal Audit Services with Hampshire County Council And West Sussex County Council

(i)  To agree in principle to support the establishment of an Internal Audit shared service partnership with Hampshire County Council and or West Sussex County Council, with Hampshire acting as host authority.

(ii)  That the Head of Finance (CFO) be given delegated authority to:

(a)  continue to explore the setting up of a partnership, and

(b)  subject to ensuring that the partnership will be at a minimum cost neutral or a saving to the Council and in consultation with the Head of Legal and Democratic Services, to enter into a Partnership Agreement with Hampshire County Council and or West Sussex County Council for the provision of a joint internal audit services function with effect from 1 April 2012 upon such terms and conditions as the Head of Finance (CFO) considers appropriate and reasonable.

(iii)  That following the signing of the Partnership Agreement and on commencement of arrangements that internal audit staff (as detailed in exempt  Appendix 1) be transferred under TUPE to Hampshire County Council.