Issue - decisions

Estate Regeneration Programme - Next Phase

04/07/2011 - Estate Regeneration Programme - Next Phase

(i)  Approve in principle the redevelopment of a site at Weston, shown edged red at Appendix 1, comprising the three blocks listed below:

·  1-20 Kingsclere Close, 1-7 Wallace Road, 70-80 Weston Lane (evens only)

Comprising 20 flats and maisonettes, 10 commercial units including Weston Local Housing Office and Weston Library, garages, sheds, service yards and other open areas.

·  1-32 Sombourne House, Weston Lane

Comprising 32 flats and maisonettes, garages, sheds, service yards and other open areas.

·  1-14 Ashton House, Kingsclere Avenue

Comprising 14 flats and maisonettes, garages, sheds, service yards and other open areas.

(ii)  To approve the service of Initial Demolition Notices on secure tenants at the three estate regeneration sites listed in (i) above under the provisions of the Housing Act 1985

(iii)  To implement the adopted Decant Policy in relation to the sites listed in (i).

(iv)  To delegate authority to the Head of Property and Procurement to negotiate and acquire by agreement any legal interests or rights held in respect of the properties listed in (i) above, not held by the Council, using such acquisition powers as the Head of Legal and Democratic Services advises.  In each case subject to confirmation from Capita, acting as independent valuers, that the price represents the appropriate Market Value.

(v)  To amend the phasing of the expenditure in the HRA capital programme as set out below and to approve, for the purposes of Finance Procedure Rules, capital spending of £500,000 in 2011/12, £1,000,000 in 2012/13 and £454,000 in 2013/2014 on the Weston estate regeneration proposals in this report.

(vi)  To delegate authority to the Director for Economic Development in consultation with the Senior Manager for Finance to accept, in accordance with Finance Procedure Rules, any grant funding towards the costs of the redevelopment of the Weston estate regeneration site listed in (i) above

(vii)  Approve the establishment of a project group in relation to the possible redevelopment of the site at Weston, with a remit to:-

a.  continue consultation and dialogue with local residents and other stakeholders including those living in affected properties and with other interested parties; and

b.  work with the local community and other potential partners to prepare a development brief

(viii)  To delegate authority to the Director for Economic Development to finalise and approve the development brief following consultation with the Cabinet Member responsible, Head of Legal and Democratic Services, Senior Manager for Finance, Head of Planning and Sustainability, and Head of Property and Procurement.

(ix)  To delegate authority to the Director for Economic Development to approve the choice of procurement route which she considers to be most appropriate to seek a development partner following consultation with the Cabinet Member responsible, Head of Legal and Democratic Services, Senior Manager for Finance and Head of Property and Procurement, and to proceed with such procurement activity up to the stage of appointing a preferred bidder for which further authority from Cabinet will need to be obtained.

(x)  To report back to Cabinet the outcome of the procurement activity referred to in (ix) above as appropriate and seek further authority from Cabinet to proceed and appoint a preferred bidder based upon the results of that procurement activity.

(xi)  To delegate authority to the Director for Economic Development, following consultation with the Cabinet Member responsible, to commence a programme of consultation and engagement with residents and stakeholders at Townhill Park and to appoint consultants to prepare a Regeneration Framework document

(xii)  To approve for the purposes of Finance Procedure Rules, capital spending of £200,000 in 2011/12, on the Regeneration Framework for Townhill Park and associated fees and costs, provision for which exists in the HRA capital programme.

(xiii)  To delegate authority to Head of Property and Procurement following receipt of advice from Capita, to negotiate and acquire by agreement any legal interests or rights in the properties listed at Confidential Appendix 3 and 4 and not held by the Council using such acquisition powers as the Head of Legal and Democratic Services advises.

(xiv)  To delegate authority to the Head of Legal and Democratic Services to enter into any legal documentation necessary in respect of the purchase or acquisition of rights and to undertake any ancillary action in connection therewith.

(xv)  To hold any acquired properties in accordance with the acquisition powers pending future regeneration.

(xvi)  To reduce the uncommitted provision in the 2011/12 HRA capital programme for “Other site assembly costs” by the sum specified in Confidential Appendix 3 and to add a scheme to the 2011/12 HRA capital programme for the “Acquisition of properties” for the same value.

(xvii)  To approve in accordance with Finance Procedure Rules, expenditure in 2011/2012 in the sum set out in the Confidential Appendix 3 for the acquisition of properties.