Issue - decisions

Southampton City Vision Local Plan - 'Draft Plan with Options' Consultation

18/10/2022 - Southampton City Vision Local Plan - 'Draft Plan with Options' Consultation

(i)  To approve the content of the Draft Plan with Options and supporting booklet of policy map changes for public consultation.

(ii)  Delegate authority to make minor amends to the Draft Plan with Options, to the Executive Director Growth following consultation with the Cabinet Member for Economic Development, prior to the consultation launch.

(iii)  Delegate authority to make minor amends to the booklet of policy map changes, to the Executive Director Growth following consultation with the Cabinet Member for Economic Development, prior to the consultation launch.

(iv)  To approve the consultation approach, as set out in the report.

(v)  To delegate authority to make minor amends to the consultation approach and methods, to the Executive Director for Growth, Page 120 following consultation with the Cabinet Member for Economic Development, prior to the consultation launch.

(vi)  To authorise officers to commence consultation on the Draft Plan with Options.