Issue - decisions

Acceptance of European Social Funding for the delivery of a Solent Apprenticeship Hub

16/10/2018 - Acceptance of European Social Funding for the delivery of a Solent Apprenticeship Hub

(i)  To accept a grant of £0.96M from the European Social Fund via the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) for the Solent Apprenticeship Hub and approve, in accordance with Financial Procedure Rules, revenue expenditure for the delivery of the programme until December 2021;

(ii)  To approve the contribution of £0.29M from Southampton City Council, as part of a total match funding of £0.96M, towards the project from existing staff time.  Individual organisations contributions are detailed in paragraph 10 of the report;

(iii)  To approve the Council to act as Lead Accountable Body for the administration of the grant funding for the Solent Apprenticeship Hub which totals £1.91M across the Solent Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) area; and

(iv)  To delegate authority to the Director of Growth, following consultation with the Cabinet Member for Aspiration, Schools and Life Long Learning, to undertake such actions necessary to enable the successful delivery of the Solent Apprenticeship programme, including procurement of services.