Issue - decisions

Commissioning Substance Misuse services for Adults and Young People in Southampton

18/09/2018 - Commissioning Substance Misuse services for adults and young people in Southampton

(i)  To consider the findings from the review of substance misuse services and to note, as a result of the review, there is no proposal for a substantial redesign of services.

(ii)  To authorise the procurement of a substance misuse service for adults and young people in Southampton.

(iii)  To delegate authority to the Director of Quality & Integration to carry out a procurement process for the provision of services as set out in this report to provide substance misuse services to adults and young people in Southampton and with the Director of Legal & Governance to enter into contracts in accordance with the Contract Procedure Rules.

(iv)  To delegate authority to the Director of Quality & Integration following consultation with the Cabinet Member for Community Wellbeing to decide on the final model of commissioned services to support the provision of a substance misuse service and all decision making in relation to this recommissioning.

(v)  To authorise the Director of Quality and Integration to take all necessary actions to implement the proposals contained in this report.